Chapter 4, Part VII

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Chapter 4: By the Book, Part VII (Class Trial)


I could hardly bear to look at Monokuma as he, after receiving our votes, hit the button with his gavel again. We watched the wheel spin around on the monitor - and land on Goh's face. I was almost expecting the hellish klaxon that would accompany a wrong answer, but as some sick joke, the jingle and confetti played instead. The horrible truth was right in front of us.

Due to the manipulation of Kenji Shima, the Ultimate Interrogator, Goh Hanma, the Ultimate Weightlifter, was the murderer of Sumire Takemi, the Ultimate Forensic Scientist.

All Goh did was do an apparently innocent chore, as he was told, and now he was going to die for it. I just felt sick to my stomach...


Kenji: Hmph. I guess you weren't quite as accepting of your fate as I expected, Goh. Three votes against me.

Goh: ...

Kenji: No response, I see. It takes a truly strong man to fully accept death. And you are weak-

Shun: Fuck you!

Kenji: And I guess you two were the other ones?

Shun: Yeah, we totally were, you bastard!

Shion: After all you've done...

Kenji: I regret nothing.

Momiji: Sir, what would've happened if there was a tie?

Monokuma: Hmm? I think I may have already answered that question, but just to be on the safe side; if the blackened's included, it's a correct verdict. Otherwise...

He made a gesture akin to slitting his own throat to prove a point.

Monokuma: Y'know. Heads roll.

Momiji: (nodding) I see.

Daisuke: I can't believe it. I just can't believe it...

Kenji: This is reality, Daisuke Hiyori. This world's not a fine place worth fighting for, and your sheltered upbringing blinded you to it. Humans aren't perfect do-gooders. Look where it got him. And her. And them.

Daisuke: Th-there must be good people outside of here-

Kenji: Exactly. Outside. And they probably don't care about us enough to save us. Monokuma's rather clear that this is being broadcasted online to the cheering audience of humanity's worst.

Monokuma: Exactly.

Kenji: This facility is a dog eat dog world, Daisuke. Sometimes, you have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. A pity you were too innocent to understand that until it was too late.

Shun: Hey... uh, Goh? Before you go; do you have any final regrets?

Goh: (sigh) You know what I wanna do, right now? I just wanna see that girl - that girl my friends hurt so much...

Shun: Go on.

Goh: No... every girl that they victimised. And I just wanna say to them, that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect all of them from their tormentors. Just... just like I couldn't protect Sumire...

Ringo: You've got to be kidding me.

Goh: (sigh) I'm the worst. I got Sumire killed and I guess I'll have to die for it. I hope that you manage to get out, for all of us.

Noriko: Oh, really? Including me and Kenji?

Goh: Ye-yeah. Even if it's just to face justice for your crimes - proper justice, not this sick murder he calls "justice"...

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