Chapter 4, Part II

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Chapter 4: By the Book, Part II (Daily Life)


After what happened last night, the first thing on my mind was to check up on Shun and see if he was alright. After all, despite what he did in that fit of anger, I considered him a friend. A rather distant friend, but a friend nonetheless. I didn't want him to die. In fact, I didn't want anyone else to die. Not even Kenji and Noriko, for what they've done against me.

So naturally, after I got ready for the day, I went up to his dorm room and rang the bell. If all went to plan, he would answer and come with me for some breakfast (I was really into plain toast that day). And, luckily, everything did go as planned, as he opened his door. He still looked a bit pale and weary, but not as much as last night.

Shun: Hey. You called for me, didn't ya?

Daisuke: Shun! Thank goodness you're okay!

Shun: Not quite. Leg still hurts like Hell, though...

Daisuke: Well, at least you're not, uh, dead. What did Sumire say?

Shun: Well, I think I needed that chat. Still feel a bit shit, but not as much as I did last night.

Daisuke: That's good to hear. But still, what did Sumire say to you?

Shun: (sigh) Some bullshit I'm probably gonna have to listen to now. I think I push myself to the limit too many times, and... well, look where it's got me. Breaking down like a used car.

Daisuke: So, she told you to get some rest, take care of yourself, all that?

Shun: Yeah, yeah. Something like that. Also some anger management.

Daisuke: After what happened with Akihiro, I don't blame you.

Shun: Y'know, she gave me this.

He revealed a small, blue ball that felt soft and squishy to the touch.

Shun: Stress relief ball. Do you have one at home?

Daisuke: I do, actually!

Shun: Heh, good on you. I think this'll be my lifesaver. If I ever feel about bashing someone's head in, I can just squish that bastard and soon forget about it.

Daisuke: Okay, then, Shun. You coming to breakfast?

Shun: Later. After all, I still feel a bit crap.

Daisuke: Right. I'll catch up with you some other time, right?

Shun: Got that. See ya.


(Free-Time Event #13: Goh Hanma)

After I left Shun to his own devices and had my breakfast, I thought it would be nice to bond with my fellow students... what remained of them, anyway. Like the last time I spoke with him, I found Goh working out in the empty gymnasium - this time sprinting in a circle all around. Regardless, he sat down on a bench, taking out a sports bottle to drink from as he began talking.

Goh: Yo! What's on your mind, bro?

Daisuke: Uh...

Goh: If nothing's wrong, well, I guess it'll be a short break.

I sat down next to him.

Goh: Huh. Guess you do wanna talk.

Daisuke: Yeah. Like, uh, I never really was an active kid.

Goh: Right. What does that have to do with me?

Daisuke: So why are you so obsessed with your physical health?

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