Monokuma Theater 3

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Monokuma Theater 3


Monokuma: Ah, finally, I can move on from that brain-teaser - mind you, I never expected violence happening inside my court, not outside of it, haha. Now that it's all over and done with, I can get on to performing, you guessed it, the recap of what has just transpired according to your own very eyes! Because every last one of you is an imbecile who cannot remember anything. Oh, that how you lose a potential audience, by alienating them from you, so forget about that! Let's get down and dirty! Upupupu~


After everything that went off, Daisuke Hiyori, the Ultimate Hikikomori, rather predictably tried to find a way to escape. Too bad that once he finally found one, as witnessed by Kenji Shima, the Ultimate Interrogator, it turned out to lead to some frozen wasteland in the middle of the Antarctic - and what's worse, Kenji confessed that a familiar individual sent him here...

But before that, Daisuke was dealing with a lot on his plate; the apparent reconciliation between Shun Iida, the Ultimate Marathon Runner and Akihiro Garaki, the Ultimate Librarian, another incident involving an emotional breakdown by perpetual sadsack Shion Nanashi, the Ultimate Roboticist, and of course, the motive - a flare gun that could be used to signal for help; that was hidden inside a labyrinth almost impossible to get out of.

Miyuki Nagasu, the Ultimate Ice Skater, seemed to lose hope, and of course she was eventually found dead. No, it wasn't suicide, but rather cold-blooded murder. And it eventually turned out that through unholy experimentation, as he had already remorselessly done with his own sister in the past, Akihiro killed her as one final step towards becoming a supreme being! Which he could've been had Shun not beaten him almost to death before Ringo Sugawara, the Ultimate Calligrapher stepped in and prevented him from dealing the finishing blow.

So, who ultimately got to execute Akihiro for his crimes? Unfortunately, not me, not even Shun for that matter, but rather Yashiro Fujiwara, the Ultimate Televangelist, who conveniently ignored his own Lord commanding him not to kill, and killing Akihiro for being a dirty heretic. Also for his crimes, but mostly for being a dirty heretic. And of course, Yashiro paid the ultimate price for murdering in the name of his God.

I sure do hope Yashiro's burning in Hell right now, but that is the least of my concerns. How will Shun cope with his vengeance denied to him? Will Daisuke finally abandon his naïve outlook on life? And whose side is Kenji even on, by the way? You might as well glue your butts to your seats, 'cuz you ain't gonna learn if you just up and leave! Upupupu~


Monokuma: (sigh) We all feel it, don't we? The past is beyond our control. Until we discover, and most likely rampantly abuse time travel, the past is little more than unalterable history. Sure, you can edit a book to be more in line with your new ideas, but what was there before will live on - in the minds and hearts of those who have read it. Including you, of course. Sure, you can try and make up with that old friend you cut contact with because they refused to take responsibility for something so blatantly their fault, but that ain't going to erase the argument you had to begin with. And sure, you can... uh, eh... I actually forgot what I was going to say, so we might as well end it here.


Monokuma: Be on your best behaviour, all my students! Or else, things will get quite nasty.


Monokuma Theater 3, End

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