Chapter 2, Part I

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Chapter 2: Fear Itself, Part I (Daily Life)


"What frightens us today is exactly the same sort of thing that frightened us yesterday. It's just a different wolf. This fright complex is rooted in every individual." - Alfred Hitchcock



Another day here. The first day without either Junpei or Takeshi. I knew both of them didn't really do much to endear themselves to me, or to us, while they were alive, but I still kinda missed them? It just wouldn't the same, knowing that they were both dead.

Monokuma: Rise and shine, everyone! 7AM has officially arrived, and all rooms locked during nighttime are available again! In addition, as a reward for succeeding in the first Class Trial, a new sector of the Killing Game's grounds has been opened up! It'll be a good idea to check 'em out! Upupupu~

Huh? A new sector? What on Earth was he talking about? I got ready for the day, and as soon as possible I dashed out of my dorm room, towards the lunch hall, trying to find the others and see if he was telling the truth.


When I got there, helping myself to the quickest option I could take, cereal, most were having their own breakfasts. It seemed that Momiji had already finished, and she was now currently playing a rather mournful tune on her cello.

Momiji: This is not for Junpei and Takeshi. I must admit that both were rather detestable people when they were alive. (sniff) I am shedding tears for my dear sister Kaede...

Yae put her hand on her shoulder, as if to comfort the grieving twin.

Yae: I know, Momiji. Loss is a terrible thing, huh?

Ayaka: Loss? You mean losing a tournament?

She took out her racket as if to prove a point.

Daisuke: Nice tennis racket there, by the way-

Ayaka: Does this look like a tennis racket to you? Do you even know what "Ultimate Badminton Player" even means?

I took another look at her racket, and it seemed a bit too long for a tennis racket. Ok, I had to admit it, it was actually a badminton racket. 'Cause that was the truth - and even if it wasn't Ayaka would get really mad.

Yashiro: Losing a competition is one thing. Losing a family member is another.

Ayaka: I know!

Yae: C'mon. Even I lost a couple of tournaments when I was a kid, and did I complain? No, I didn't. Stop thinking you're the top dog 'round here, Ayaka.

Ayaka: Says you!

Yashiro: We have a known murderer in our midst. The group is turning on itself...

Ringo: So what?

Yashiro: ...I need a drink.

Daisuke: Umm... guys?

Ringo: Yes?

Daisuke: ...Where's Shun? Or Goh, for that matter?

Kenji: They're scouting ahead over Monokuma's morning announcement. They'll be back shortly.

Yashiro: Well, speak of the devils and they shall appear.

True to his words, the two tracksuited boys, one short and in red, the other tall and in green - sorry, had to resist making a joke about those two plumbers there - arrived at the scene.

Shun: Guys, me and Goh found something odd.

Miyuki: What is it?

Goh: Uh, when we were looking around this place when we first got here, did any of you see four doors, all blocked off with tape?

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