Chapter 2, Part VII

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Chapter 2: Fear Itself, Part VII (Class Trial)


Like last time, the votes were cast, the screen turned on, and the animation of a roulette wheel played, spinning around our portraits. Unlike last time, however, the pointer eventually settled upon Ayaka's face - not that it mattered much, as the jingle played and confetti fell, telling us that we had, again, voted correctly.

Ayaka Matsutomo, the Ultimate Badminton Player, was the murderer of Yae Hayabusa, the Ultimate Hapkido Master.

If she wanted to explain fully why she killed Yae, now was her time to do so. Before her own execution, of course.


Ayaka: ...I didn't expect it to end this way.

Ringo: Nobody did.

Shun: Who cares? Who gives a fuck?!

Ayaka: Huh?

Kenji: You're a murderer - simple as that. Go on, sob all you want. It won't convince me.

Yashiro: Now is your time to repent! Repent, I say!

Daisuke: ...

Ayaka: Listen to me!

Daisuke: ...Guys? Why not let her speak?

Akihiro: She will most likely go and say something completely asinine that will not help her in the slightest.

Daisuke: It's, uh, worth a try.

Ayaka: If you had to constantly relive your worst fear every night, wouldn't you go crazy as well?!

Goh: Well, no-

Noriko: Of course, not!

Ayaka: Uh...

Noriko: (whispering) I cannot fathom a world without Daisuke-kun, you know. That's why I won't kill here. Honest.

Momiji: Go on, Ayaka. What do you want to say before you die?

Ayaka: ...Have you ever had the feeling that everyone would be better off with you gone?

Shion: Huh?

Goh: Wait, what?!

Daisuke: Woah, woah, woah there!

Ayaka: (sniff) Well, if you had to spend every night thinking you was worth nothing in life, that everyone would barely notice that you were gone, that you was nothing more than a loser that nobody cared about, you'd probably get a bit irritable t...

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Ayaka: (sniff) Well, if you had to spend every night thinking you was worth nothing in life, that everyone would barely notice that you were gone, that you was nothing more than a loser that nobody cared about, you'd probably get a bit irritable too, right?

Akihiro: "Irritable" is not the same as "angry enough to bludgeon someone to death with a flowerpot", Ms. Matsutomo.

Monokuma: And of course, Mr. Garaki, murder is murder and will be punished as murder. No ifs, no buts. You're all old enough to understand.

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