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Epilogue: Hope Springs Eternal


"Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light." - John Milton


At last, it was over. Momiji's crusade had ended in nothing but her death, that of her co-conspirator, and those of ten bystanders. Some of them terrible people, some of them decent people, but all I could think of was the fact that absolutely none of them had to die.

We just walked silently, following Kaori and Reiji, until they stopped at the entrance.

Reiji: The snow truck's just outside.

Kaori: You don't say.

Reiji: (sigh) Well, they'll appreciate their freedom.

Kaori: Everyone, please continue following us, won't you?

After we all nodded, both of them opened the doors of the facility, and all of us knew that we could easily walk out now towards the light peering from outside.

We were free.


As I took my first steps back into the outside world since this twisted game, I obviously felt a bit cold, considering my surroundings. The snowstorm that had blocked us in prior had ceased, though, and with nothing blocking our view we could easily gaze up towards the night sky. The stars gleamed brightly as if they were lights of hope, and the multicoloured dazzling aurora lights cut through the darkness. And we were looking at all of this together.

 And we were looking at all of this together

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Daisuke: ...Wow.

Monaca: Such pretty stars...

Shun: Heh, it's amazing, don't you all think?

Ringo: It is, in a sense. Finally, the fresh air of the outside world...

Exactly. As we looked up towards the stars, we all marveled at what awaited us. Sure, it was a world of uncertainty... but also a world of opportunity. As Junpei finally acknowledged, this world was a cruel place, but also a wonderful place. That was what I thought as I continued to look up to the sky and contemplate.

Ringo: It still feels so unreal...

Monaca: (sniff) I never thought I'd live to see such a beautiful sight.

Shun: The stars are so fuckin' beautiful out here, man...

Daisuke: Well, I can agree.

Meanwhile, Kaori and Reiji were talking to a pair of Future Foundation operatives, both clad in body armour and with their weapons lowered. A few of those mutated Monokumas were half-buried in the snow around them, some of them destroyed, some others intact, but all of them dormant. None of them thankfully moved an inch.

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