Chapter 3, Part II

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Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part II (Daily Life)



With a loud yawn, I woke up, and I completely ignored Monokuma's morning announcement for the day. To be fair, there was no summons to meet in the gymnasium that day, but still...

Man, my sleep schedule was becoming erratic rather fast, most likely due to stress. Who could blame me, after everything that happened, and was about to happen?

As I got ready for the day - washed, dressed, everything else, the doorbell rang. And it rang again. And again. Clearly somebody wanted me, and I immediately thought that it was Noriko. But when I finally unlocked my door, she wasn't there. Not that it mattered much.

Standing in the doorway was Kenji. His stiff posture, his blunt frown and his sharp gaze gave everything away. He wasn't happy, and I didn't know why. But almost immediately, I found out why.

Kenji: Good morning... thief.

Daisuke: Wait, what?! What are you-

Kenji: Where's that photo?

Daisuke: Uh...

I knew exactly what he was talking about. That class photo I took the other day. So that meant he originally had it... but why did it even have it in the first place?

Kenji: I will not repeat myself. Give me back the photo.

His intimidation worked - I reached into one of my desk drawers and, after some searching, found what he wanted.

Daisuke: Is that it? It must be...

I went back to Kenji and, with some hesitance, offered it back to him. Without a word, he snatched it from my hand; I swear I could see a satisfied smirk once he retrieved the photo.

Daisuke: Look, Kenji, why did you-

Kenji: It's none of your business, Daisuke. Cross me again and you'll regret it.

Daisuke: Why?

Kenji: Do you even remember what a Fenrir mercenary is capable of?

With that ominous warning, he slammed the door shut on me. Kenji... now I was starting to freak out. Clearly, sooner or later, he would be out for my blood. A trained mercenary vs. a social recluse - there was no way I would survive if he decided to kill me. The only way to stop him, or so I thought at the time, was to curry favour with him, but how could I considering how he felt about me?

Perhaps I could spend time with somebody else. Somebody who could speak up on my behalf if he decided to take it public? I need to develop a friendship. Fast.

That was the sole thing on my mind as I left my room.


(Free-Time Event #9: Ringo Sugawara)

I need to find someone calm, who wouldn't treat me with as much hostility as Kenji did. I searched high and low, before eventually finding her near the shrine - the very same one that Yashiro was raging in earlier. She was meditating, her eyes closed as she sat with her hands on her knees.

Ringo: Ah! Good morning.

Daisuke: Uh... good morning to you, too!

Ringo: Is there anything bothering you today?

Daisuke: Well, yeah, actually.

Ringo: Ah, as I thought. Tell me; what are you concerned about?

Daisuke: (sigh) I wanna get out of here.

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