Chapter 5, Part VI

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Chapter 5: On the Origin of Monsters, Part VI (Class Trial)


I couldn't believe it.

Shion Nanashi never really existed. All along, she was just a mere alias of Monaca Towa. And now that she had regained her memories...

Shun: Now that we know it, it was blatantly obvious in hindsight.

Momiji: True, true. A green-haired, guilt-ridden amnesiac who could recall details suspiciously similar to the Towa City incident? Who else did you expect her to be?

Monokuma: Well, I'm not surprised. How are you feeling now, traitor to our cause?!

Monaca: ...

Momiji: Now we know who she truly is. And she deserves no apologies-

Daisuke: We should be sorry! We found out the truth behind her... but at what cost? She's broken now. Look at her.

Monaca: (sobbing) I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything...

Noriko: And that's exactly what you think of her. A broken toy that must be fixed.

Shun: Says you! You killed his dad!

Noriko: And Monaca? She killed dozens! She may've even killed Kenji herself!

Daisuke: Look, she's already in a volatile state of mind, and I don't want any of us to aggrivate her further. Monaca?

Monaca: (nodding) Yes?

Daisuke: Do you want to sit the rest of this out? As in, we just quietly leave you alone and let you recover by yourself?

Monaca: ...No. I want to help.

Daisuke: ...Got that.

Momiji: But still, Kenji.

Ringo: Exactly! Let us solve Kenji's murder now, because our lives depend on it!

Monaca: Th-they do...

Shun: I mean, you're treating the guy as a complete afterthought in his own murder! C'mon, dude! I thought you were fucking better than this!

Daisuke: Not anymore!

Ringo: It's just so bizarre how someone such as Kenji could be killed...

Daisuke: And there were some circumstances leading to it. His pre-existing wounds, for one.

Monokuma: Oh, makes me wish I just straight-up killed him, and then we wouldn't be here. But still, a Class Trial is a Class Trial! Fun! Upupupu~

Daisuke: And second, did any of you look at his hands?

Shun: What's so important about them again?


(Select Truth Bullet)

TRUTH BULLET: Kenji's Body


Daisuke: Fingers were clenched up. Look closer, and you'll see that he was tugging at something - almost as if he was being strangled from behind.

Noriko: Strangled, you say?

Daisuke: Yes, strangled.

Monaca: Huh? Is there anything to confirm it?


(Non-Stop Debate)

Monaca: We've got to figure out what we need to know...

Shun: Like the cause of death. Simples.

Monaca: His body was decapitated, though.

Ringo: To hide the cause of death? Maybe. But don't worry.

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