Chapter 5, Part II

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Chapter 5: On the Origin of Monsters, Part II (Daily Life)


We all looked towards Momiji in confusion. Initially, she advised us to never split up - which was kinda a smart move, considering that there were only seven of us and two, possibly three, were known to have killed before. Then she went back on it.

Momiji: Change of plans.

Noriko: What do you mean by that?

Momiji: Kenji, enter the van. I'm fairly sure there's someone in there, so get some answers out of them.

Shun: What the fuck?! Last time he got to interrogate someone he killed them!

Kenji: Goh did. Not me.

Shun: You led him to his death! Fuck you, Kenji!

Momiji: And that's why I'm taking measures, Shun!

Shion: But still-

Momiji: Daisuke, Ringo, you are his mutual conscience. Make sure that he doesn't repeat what he did to Sumire. Do you understand?!

Ringo: I do, Momiji.

Daisuke: Yeah, I understand...

Momiji: And Shun, keep those two ladies under control along with me, won't you?

Shun: Fine then!

Momiji left, alongside Shion, Shun and Noriko, leaving the three of us behind. Kenji limped over to the van and opened the front door, leading the way. It seemed that there was a door in the interior leading to the back of the van - the mercenary collapsed as he clambered over the seats to it. Me and Ringo, on the other hand, managed to do so with only a little bit of trouble.

As for where we ended up? It had clearly seen better days, the makeshift room, judging by the fact that the lights seemed busted. Practically everywhere not meant for moving around was packed to the brim with supplies and provisions - tinned food, spare clothing, et cetera. Of course, its resident also had some spare time on hand - the entrance appeared to have once been a bookshelf, and a TV was at the far end, albeit switched off.

That resident, you may ask? A middle-aged man sat in the middle of the room, dreary-eyed.

Kenji: Gah, my ribs!

Daisuke: What did you expect climbing over something right after suffering severe injuries, Kenji?!

Kenji: Anything for the truth-

???: Oh, it's you. You three were the brats.

My attention turned towards that man of mystery - getting a closer look at him, I could swear that it was the same figure I saw that night. His greasy hair, still long and dark. His bulky black winter clothing over a red shirt. His pale skin, almost as if he had never seen sunlight.

Ringo: Hello, there.

???: What are you all doing here? Get out right now!

Kenji: We're here because we know that you know, and we want to know what you know.

???: Stop being so flowery, idiot. By the way, who sent you all here?

Daisuke: The rest of us-

???: Are they dead?

Ringo: No. They've just sent us to deal with you, and get some answers.

Daisuke: Like, why are you even here in the first place?

???: Ugh, fine. I have nothing better to do, anyway. (sigh) You must be wonderin' how I got here, correct?

Kenji: Yes.

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