Chapter 3, Part VI

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Chapter 3: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part VI (Class Trial)


Shun: You must be fuckin' crazy!

Akihiro: I give up. Even the slightest imperfection in my plan would result in a failure. You must accept this, Shun.

Shun: No fucking way, Akihiro! Hey, you!

Daisuke: Yeah?

Shun: You ever thought about another conclusion to this case, huh, you freak?

Kenji: Stay calm. Either of them may deliberately be attempting to take the fall for the other.

Daisuke: (Is Akihiro covering for Shun, or is Shun covering for Akihiro? Must figure it out...)


(Non-Stop Debate)

Akihiro: The one who killed Miyuki - escaped fast.

Ringo: Are you saying they zipped from one place to another?

Kenji: From the office to the maze, and back again...

Goh: Still wonderin' about how they could get out of there.

Shun: Because there wasn't a quick and dirty way!

TRUTH BULLET: Bedsheet Ladder

Daisuke: No, that's wrong!



Daisuke: The bedsheet ladder...

Shun: Yeah?

Daisuke: That was there.

Shun: And I had the perfect talent for getting to and fro the crime scene, you remember?

Daisuke: I mean, when you think about it...


(Multiple Choice)

1. Ultimate Librarian.

2. Ultimate Ice Skater.

3. Ultimate Marathon Runner.

Answer: Ultimate Marathon Runner.


Daisuke: Shun's talent as the Ultimate Marathon Runner could give him an excuse to have ran all the way he needed to do - get Miyuki to the maze, get to the flare gun, put it back, get out, blah blah blah...

Monokuma: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've known quite a few peeps who've used their talents for crime.

Momiji: One small problem with that theory. Did you see Shun repeatedly enter and exit the office, Ringo?

Ringo: No. But I did see Akihiro-

Yashiro: Silence! It is time to end this son of perdition!

Daisuke: Shun, I know he's your friend. But we still have to consider the possibility that...


(Make an Accusation!)

Answer: Akihiro Garaki


Daisuke: Well, your friend may be a murderer.

Akihiro: Scratch that, I am a murderer.

Shun: Akihiro! See, you know how suspiciously brazen he's being about this? Maybe 'cuz I'm the goddamn killer and he's trying to cover for me!

Kenji: Shun being the killer does not make sense.

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