14. Hazel Eyes

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Asher's POV

Today is a big day for me. Finally I'm getting my blueprints for my dream project.You see, I never dreamt about success, I just work for it. I strongly believe that a successful business requires one simple thing called Passion.

This morning Mr.Richard called me and informed me that William will bring the blueprints. So here I am waiting for him while going through the financial reports for the month. Ever since I announced about my miami project to the world, the market value of my company has gone higher.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door,
Then came a sweet female voice

" May I come in"

I couldn't recognise that voice. It doesn't belong to Linda and definitely not William. Who could it be? Madison?

' Nah, She never ask for your permission. She just barges in even if you are in a board meeting. ' My inner self said which I have to agree.

Clearing my thoughts, I asked the person to come in.

I could see a Girl getting inside my room with a Manila folder in her hand. She was too busy in looking around my room . She wore a simple yet professional dress with her blonde hair tied to a pony tail.

' She is beautiful '
Yes, she is . I said more to myself. To get her attention, I asked her purpose of visit.

Clearing her thoughts, she turned towards me and said that she work for Mr.Richard and have brought my blueprints.

That's when I could see her eyes and her face clearly .
' Holy smokes, She is here. She has the same eyes. Hazel eyes that ruins our sleep every night. May be she is the one we met years back'

My mind was throwing questions towards me where as I couldn't find answers to it. I quickly moved towards her, may be she has the answers for it.

" Have we met before? "

She gave me a confused look, probably thinking for an answer. I was getting impatient with her silence

" Have we ?" I again asked her

She was still looking at me.

' Calm down. Don't scare her. She might think you as some weirdo. Don't ruin your chance '

Getting irritated with my mind thoughts , I asked her more calmly

" I asked you a question "

To which she said No. But that's not the answer I was expecting from her.

' She looks different. My girl had black curls with Hazel eyes. Look at her, she is not her. My girl had Chubby cheeks with nerd glasses. look at her , she is not the one '

Now I got frustrated. Seeing someone with same eye color is not the problem here, but seeing this girl gave me the same feelings I got years back. Whenever my eyes met hers, my heart started to beat faster.

' Why am I feeling this way. She is definitely not the girl I'm searching, still why she has an impact on me? Weird '

I need to clear my head.

" Place the file and Get out " I told her. I know I'm being rude to her. It's not her fault for not being the girl I'm searching. But I couldn't help it. I'm Disappointed.

She looked confused because of my sudden behaviour change so I told her to leave again. She said she has some important thing to talk with me.

Whatever it may be , Now is not the time to talk so I took a step forward and was about to yell at her, that's when Jeff opened the door.

' Thank God, Jeff saved this girl from my wrath '

He had this mischievous grin on his face. I know what he thinks about us. Before I could say something to him , she again stated that she needs a chance to explain herself.

' let's hear it. After all she is Mr.Richard's assistant '

Earlier I called Jeff and asked him to join with me for lunch with Sophia. It was her father, who asked me to have a lunch with her.I couldn't reject it. Sophia Campbell - my childhood friend. Her father and my father are business associates. That's how I know her. Her father initiated a wedding proposal between us but my family rejected it . Still he is working on it so that we will accept it someday .

I left my room with both Jeff and Ms Hastings behind me. Jeff introduced himself and she said she works for Madison.

' So She is not Mr.Richard's Assistant. She is the wedding planner from Sydney. That makes everything sorted now. she is not from New York . She is definitely not my girl '

I was moving towards the elevator, while I looked around and saw another girl standing there.

' maybe her friend ' I thought and Continued to walk towards my escalator.

Ms Hastings said that she wants my help regarding Madison's Engagement party. Next thing she said made me stop on my tracks .

" Black love ? " I asked her. She gave me a nod. I always knew that Madison had a thing for Black Love. Once Jeff took us on it, and I know it was like heaven floating on waters. But it's not my place to decide . It belongs to Jeff and she knew only I can convince him for the dates. People book this cruise months before the event . Even Jeff couldn't get a date for his own birthday party as that day was booked by the President.

" What the fuck Maddie. " I just cursed under my breath .

I turned towards Ms Hastings, who had her eyes filled with hope.

' Shit!! Those Hazel eyes again '

I could see her friend standing behind her looking at us. I turned towards Jeff and He had his eyes on the girl behind Ms Hastings.

' This idiot never changes '

I told Ms Hastings that, it was something to deal with Jeff and it's his decision to make. But to be balanced I told Jeff that it's for Madison. He has to do it for her. She is his childhood friend and I know they both care for each other though they chase like cat and mouse.

" Ding.. 40th Floor" My elevator door opened and I got in. I was waiting for Jeff to join me. But what happened next made me dumbfounded.

" Yes.. you can. Only if she goes on a date with me " Jeff said still looking at the girl behind Ms Hastings.

He never asked a girl for a date. He never did this in high school or college. It was always the other way around. That was first time I'm seeing him asking or blackmailing a girl in this case to go on a date with him.

' Oh man !! This day just keeps on getting better '

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