50. Revenge

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Jaelyn's POV

The floor felt very cold when I woke up. Once I opened my eyes. I saw nothing. It was dark. I tried to get up from the floor, but something stopped me from doing it.

' What the hell is this ? '

I found my legs chained to a pillar. I had no idea where I was and how I got there. The last thing I remembered was going to Sarah's cemetery. I felt lonely, when Asher rejected me. I was unable sleep the previous night, that's when I decided to visit that place.

Soon I heard footsteps. The door opened and revealed a man like a dark shadow. I couldn't see his face as there was a bright light behind him.

" You woke up princess? " he said. I could sense the sarcasm in his tone.

" Who are you? " I asked him.

He chuckled.

" Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want? Always .. Always the same questions but no one asks Do I deserve this ?"

" I don't like repeating again. Who are you ? And what did you do to me? " I shouted at him.

" Who am I ? I'm your worst nightmare." He said with a laugh.

He entered the room and closed the doors. Once again the room became dark but this time I have someone else with me. I could hear his shoe sound very clearly.

" So... Jaelyn.. what do you think about love? " He asked me out of blue.

" W-Why are asking me this? " I started to shiver.

" Just answer .. " he said sharply.

I kept quiet for sometime. He chuckled once again.

" Who are you? " I asked him.

" Curiosity is killing you right. How about a small recap. Shopping mall.. Gun shots
Chinese restaurant.. masked man, Black love.. Revealing your identity, does these events ring a bell ? "

Slowly fear took control over me. Tears started to form in my ears. I became nervous. The thought of me being in front of someone who tried to kill me twice, bought chills.

" W-who are you? " I started to stutter.

He laughed once again.

" I just love the way you stutter. Your fear encourages me to have a little victory dance " he said like a whisper

I closed my eyes and I could feel his breathe near my ears.

" P-Please don't kill me. " I said still closing my eyes. My hands automatically reached for my ring pendant.

' where is my pendent? I never removed it '

" Looking for your life saving device ? " He asked me. Now I could sense that he is far away from me.

" What do you mean ? " I asked him.

" Your ring pendant!! Oh.. you have no idea about it right. You are so dumb Jaelyn."

" I know that !! You don't have to remind me once again. Now where is it? " I asked him rolling my eyes.

" The pendant had a tracker " he replied.

' why would a pendant have a tracker ? Sarah gave me a pendent with a tracker? '

" How do you know about these things? Who the fuck are you? " I asked him.

He turned on the lights. At first, the bright light blinded me for few seconds. Soon I adjusted to it.

" You ? " I asked him. It was him this whole time. Asher was right.

" Ryan Campbell " I whispered. He started to laugh like a mad man.

" Why are you doing this Ryan? " I asked him angrily. That very second he came towards me and slapped me. I could taste blood along with saliva in my mouth.

" Shut up you bitch !! How dare you raise your voice against me. You took my love and everything from me " he yelled furiously.

" I have no idea, what you are talking about " I muttered under my breath.

" You took Sarah from me " he replied slowly.

" You took my love away from me. You should have died that day ! " He shouted once again.

I looked at him. His eyes had tears and anger in it.

" I - I had no idea about it. She never mentioned about you. Did she loved you ? "

" Of course.. I had a huge crush on her for a long time. Soon it turned into love, I was there for her in every possible way. I asked her to be my girlfriend. She accepted it happily, but added a condition to it. To keep our relationship a secret, she thought my life would be in danger because of her dad's rivals. She was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I was there when she customised those pendants for you and Alex. I was there on that day, in Inferno. I followed your car when securities chased you. I saw the car which hit your car.I was the one who pulled you both outside from the collapsed car. She saw me. She even apologized for the mistake. She begged me to save you. I was the one who called 911. I was there in the hospital where you both got admitted. I stayed up all night, no one noticed me. I was there when they pronounced her death.I was there when her heart got transplanted inside you. I was there, when she was buried " he shouted at me. I felt sorry for him.

" It was Alex's mafia rivals who hit our car. I had no idea about it. I was a victim in that accident. " I replied him.

" Victim ? Victim huh? What if I say they targeted you " he asked me by coming close to me.

" What do you mean ? "

" After her death. I searched information about the car that made the accident. Soon I found it belong to a Mexican mafia gang . I gathered further details about it. The truth got revealed. Their target was you. Your father, murdered their boss's family which included a 3year old daughter of the boss when he worked for the Knights. They waited for years to take revenge on him. But your father came out of his mafia life and started to live a normal life. But the Mexicans saved their vengeance for a perfect time. You were supposed to die in that accident. Knight family misunderstood things and took a revenge on the Russian Mafia. " He stated .

" How did you find me ? " I asked him .

" That was a tough job. Your dad did a very good job in hiding you from outside world. Unfortunately, your closeness with Alex bought doubts in me. Your pendent gave me the answers. And someone confirmed my doubts. Would you like to meet her? "

Suddenly the door opened with a bang and a woman with red hair came inside.

" Heather " I whispered.

" Oh Ziva .. we meet again. My boyfriend here told a lot about you. " She smirked. She was the former receptionist who got fired because of me.

" Why are you doing this "

" Nothing serious.. just everything is fair in love and war. Right darling? " She smiled and kissed Ryan.

Bang... I heard a gun shot and she fell down lifeless on the ground. I let out a scream and closed my eyes out of fear.

" Bitch !! " He muttered.

" Please.. P-Please don't K-kill me " I stutted once again.

" Oh sweet heart.. I'm definitely going to kill you..But before that you have to suffer." he laughed .
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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