Old Stories: The Everdoras (Super-Verse)

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Actress: Kristine Froseth

I made this character in 2019 without a story. I've seen the actress in Sierra Burgess Is A Loser and decided to just make art until the idea was born. Before the whole concept came, I named the art of the actress, Tikki-Nora. A fairy from the planet called the Everdora. An alien-like fairy who is humanoid and has a shell inside of her that shows her true form as a fairy. The heart on her cheek is like a cutie mark (My Little Pony) and all Everdorians have it.

The story is within the super-verse because since the Gorrah planet is a home for all the aliens, there are other planets too separate from Gorrah. Tikki, however, is a bright and kind-hearted character with a heart of gold. She has a twin sister who is the opposite. Tikki is full of sunshine and rainbows while her sister, Darci is full of wickedness. One day, their father has passed and their mother is in full control over the Everdora planet + kingdom.

Since Darci was born before Tikki, the Queen plans to have her daughters as queen one day. There is no marriage involved to become a queen but by law, it's the people who choose which princess would be a good fit for a queen.

Tikki is chosen and rivalry begins with Darci planning to overthrow her. And the toughest part, will Tikki be able to stand up for herself to keep the crown?


Do I plan on bringing this story idea back? Yes because there was no book after making the art. However, there won't be any super-verse going on because all stories will be standalone. I have started planning who will be who along with planning on the book appearances for each character SEPARATE from the actresses/actors I have chosen.

Kristine Froseth won't be Tikki-Nora because I completely changed the actress and have chosen another one. So the idea will be the same but with few changes. I do not see Tikki with any male love interest. Maybe a female or make her bisexual but I don't see her with any love interest and make her single. The same goes for Darci because since they're immortals (NOT IN THE MYSTIQUE SENSE), they can adapt to their own and not need a man. Well, having a partner doesn't define them but this is how I am seeing it right now.

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