October 9th, Six Year Anniversary On Wattpad!

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What I Did To Dangerous Romance & Irregular Mysteries Instead...

I took two characters Lynn (Author) and Lynn Lawrence then created Linda Lawrence. Their personalities collided and had to reform their looks way different. So instead of naming "Lynn" the character, I changed it to "Linda" instead.

EXAMPLE: Mr. Wednesday is now James Goldwind. Took inspiration from the character and created a WHOLE different person. Same thing with Linda.

And the rest of the characters I have deleted and changed into new beings. It took a lot of thought but the stories needed to be saved and I've done these stories for three years. I didn't want to let them go. When looking back, they were incredibly horrible.

It took about ten months during Junior year till the summer into building Feeble and straying away from my old account to start again. Here I am now and I want to create more stories that can save Wattpad from poor quality ones.

Original Characters Of MineWhere stories live. Discover now