The Mystique Series: What's Going On With Book 2?

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Since I've gotten enough critique on Feeble, I've been overwhelmed by changing so many things. I took down the chapters for Warrior because figuring out the characters and the storyline, that's why I constantly change it to make it better. It's been a year since I've written Feeble and I took into consideration how readers view the novel.

The book has grown with 20 reader engagements and most people have enjoyed Chapter 1. The most commented chapter besides the rest. It's insane that you guys love Linda and find her relatable because I never expected anyone to like her character (it's okay if you don't) or don't care for the story at all.

Feeble was created when I was on the brink of giving up on Wattpad in the early pandemic. The first book I created in this new account. So far with these positive views and critiques, Warrior is probably the HARDEST book I've written. Whether people would like it or not has stressed me out in the process. And I don't feel comfortable displaying an unfinished novel like Warrior out to the public when I'm constantly trying to fix Feeble with the number of critiques I'm getting. Usually, I am not used to it due to letting it be seen in a negative light. Yet I'm thankful to explain anything new readers may not understand or get thrown off.

And I simply don't want to put out a mediocre sequel either.

I've sent Feeble to the Wattys but looking back at it, there are things that I constantly fixed. Since I didn't win, it has led me to a path of questioning what am I going to do with this series. Should I give up on Wattpad because I've been on this site for six years? I've tried other writing sites and they were garbage for crying out loud.

But now, I'm glad I didn't win the Wattys and thankful for the small fanbase that appreciates my book. I'm very passionate about this than my other novels. Well, I love all of them but The Mystique Series is what I am most passionate about.

So ever since fixing Feeble, I've edited all of the Warrior chapters to remove unnecessary dialogues and scenes because I'm growing to learn my characters inside and out. Everything is starting to make sense and I want the sequel to be better than Feeble. From introducing a full world of characters, it's been exhausting to figure out the story's ending, antagonists, endgame couples, plots, subplots, etc. There are so many ideas and I write them down on a notepad to not get overwhelmed.

Warrior will return but what's been going on with Feeble made me doubt myself as a writer. I know writing is subjective yet I'm mostly focused on how people will perceive my book. What do you like about this part? Or what do you don't like? Also besides the critique, I love DETAILED thoughts on how the person likes the book, like not saying "Oh, I thought your book was amazing" but something different where why did you like the book and what do you want to see more of? That is what I look forward to in new readers. I mean, I should do the same to other authors but when I read a person's work, I do say simple stuff like "It's good" or "Interesting" yet maybe as an author, I get so encouraged to see more depth to why you like this story and so forth. The reason for this increases my inspiration and the main goal for this series.

Anyways, that's what I have for now.

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