Canceled Story: The Walking Spirit Saga+ The Everdoras + Mystique Series

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Since I discontinued I.M and D.R, I thought this idea would work but was a little wild. The themes within the book are heavily Christian-themed and are a modernization of Jesus and the disciples. Also, Narnia was the main inspiration included in this project.

In the title, this was before joining my new account. Before The Mystique series, Linda was going to be a separate character within the Walking Spirit saga with the same background except I have taken the original plot lines with D.R where she's a depressed sex addict.


The Walking Spirit will follow a journey of young and older adults saved by a man to discover their new identities. When they got saved, they were now transported to the world of the man who saved them. Once they got there, they discovered that he was a king and couldn't believe it, judging by his appearance (They didn't see him as a king but looked like a human to them in regular clothes) that the man pulled them to seek a deeper understanding of his character when spending time with him through their journey in his kingdom world. Now, half of his kingdom is taken control over Jafar whom Emmanuel seeks to save his people from. With that happening, the gang and he start to know each other deeper through the tough and challenging battles they have to go through when defeating Jafar's minions, their past, and Emmanuel to save lost souls. Now with that happening, they meet Emmanuel's people who are called the Everdoras. They are fairies created to serve Emmanuel. They are considered the people that he loves but after the devastation of Jafar's mess, their race is split into two. One on his side and the other on Jafar's side. Even in the oracle, when Emmanuel's people depart from him, he fights to take it back one way or another so Jafar won't rule. It's even explained that Emmanuel has an invisible kingdom that is ready for his people but the kingdom on his planet is separated. Jafar caused a division that separated good and bad. Now, it calls for a war that will be a life-or-death situation. {WHOLE PLOT OF THE BOOK SERIES}


Emmanuel is played by Dev Patel

Mary Liu is played by Karen Fukuhara

Simon P. Langston is played by Zach Callison

Kimberly Zeta is played by Dakota Fanning

Pastor Frank Nichols is played by Eric Bana

Samuel Fredericks is played by Jacob Bertrand

Carly Penson is played by Anna Diop

May Penunez is played by Alycia Pascual-Peña

Lady Wisdom is played by Gemma Arterton

Lady Knowledge is played by Danai Gurira

Ethan Worth is played by Samuel L. Jackson (New Character)

Ramona "Remi" Coleman is played by Maya Eshet

June Nichols is played by Joey King

Jules Wingman is played by Alice Braga

Anna Quinn is played by Erin Kellyman

John Carmen is played by Shameik Moore

Claud Berkman is played by Garrett Hedlund

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