DCFU: The Plan So Far

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Characters I Will Do A Fanfic Of: 

1. Aquaman - I plan to have an Indigenous or Black female lead as the love interest. I've also recasted Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa). His story is loosely based on Justice League: Throne of Atlantis and Aquaman (2018). 

2. Batman & Catwoman - The book is mainly about the typical adventures of Selina and Bruce in this novel-suspense story. They have this steamy chemistry of their "will they or won't they" and Bruce has to deal with his past with Talia and with the present to take down Joker.

That's a whole primary picture of what I have for those books. Bruce Wayne has no "original character" love interest when Selina Kyle will be the love interest next to Talia. I do have other ideas for doing a book on minor characters in the DCEU/DCU (James Gunn) universe but those would have to wait. 

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