Super-Verse + Old Superhero Story: Amethyst + The Superior

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Story: A teenage girl happens to be half-alien for some odd reason and is a famous singer

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Story: A teenage girl happens to be half-alien for some odd reason and is a famous singer. A secret singer who's a normal girl but this side of her brings out the power that ignites in her. She's living a double life with her parents controlling her schedules for touring, etc while she has to deal with being a highschooler. When she is a secret famous singer, she is not known by the world but is a pop star with special abilities. Her singing abilities harness her alien heritage and use her voice for the greater good. 

My Thoughts: I'm kinda a little all over the place in the summarizing of this story. I didn't write a chapter for it but only knew the story idea I was going to write about. For the character, I drew inspiration from Hannah Montana, The Dazzler (X-Men), and Jem. She was originally going to be related to Darko-Man in some way. Her character was created in 2019. 

Will It Come Back? I'm not sure. I have no plans of bringing back her character or her story at the moment. With Original Characters, I use it to organize all my old story ideas and discontinued/canceled stories here. So if in the future I want to pick a story to make, I'll somehow take inspiration from one book to another. Like I did with Cleopatra The Vamptress. Pretty much, I combined a story idea first mixed with two canceled stories that only had 1 to 2 chapters and made it its own thing. The story of Cleopatra is new but isn't to me. The reason why my main character's name is "Cleopatra" is to give tribute to my very first book made in late 2015 based on the Egyptian figure, Cleopatra. I might draw some inspiration from the historical figure in The Vamptress.

Story: A woman who happens to have superpowers decides to become a superhero and save the world

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Story: A woman who happens to have superpowers decides to become a superhero and save the world. 

My Thoughts: This was originally my friend's story before picking it up and making my own spin on it. In the original, the main character was a guy in my friend's story. Now, I don't remember much about what the story was about. However, I remember not knowing what else to do with the plot. I liked superheroes and enjoy consuming content from Marvel and DC. But this story didn't pull me in until Darko-Man came along. I won't say this story was going to be a part of Darko-Man's world, but I decided to squeeze this story in since it's a superhero-related book (that's NOT Dc nor Marvel). 

Mainly I wanted to create a universe inspired by both comic book companies and make superheroes. I had ideas for Darko-Man's world to tie into DC and not Marvel. But Darko-Man wasn't going to crossover with Batman or Superman, it was going to be The Watchmen. With Darko-Man's world, I wanted to create superheroes on Earth before he came into the scene. Heroes were already building themselves up, so the idea of the Watchmen came along to tie that in. Am I going to do any Marvel or DC tie-ins with Darko-Man? No, because I want to create a full universe like Marvel and DC. Darko-Man's world is completely separate. 

Will It Come Back? No. 


Final Thoughts: The next post will be the last story discussion I'll do about what the original expansion of Darko-Man's universe was going to be. The last story I actually did a chapter on and never returned to it. Since the introduction for Darko-Man is out, I want to focus more on brainstorming the actual story than endlessly talking about the original expansion universe plan for Darko-Man. It's been about 3 years since I touched on Darko-Man, so I'm approaching the story with a different lens now and won't post any chapter yet. The plot needs to be seasoned in story development. In my head, I'm trying to put the pieces together and write down ideas I have for Darko-Man. Anyways, the last post of Super-Verse will be coming soon. 

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