Storm-Verse, First Canceled Book Series: PART 3 Of 5

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X-MEN storylines continued Age (1995): Apocalypse [PART 1 OF 2] -

Author's Note: Everyone else from Book 4 stays the same in the cast. There are no changes whatsoever. However, there will be a specific time when everyone's aged up. They will look vastly different from when they were in their 20s. But in Book 5, not at this time. Also, the 2016 movie took place in the 80s but it's in the 90s instead. It's been a while since I've seen this movie so I'm just going to go off from what I remember from the film and tie it into the fanfic.

Presenting Book 5, it's been three years since the events of Book 4. Ororo and Alex are engaged. Now, she's becoming closer to the Summers. Over those three years, team X-Men have been on many missions in advance, making their community more prominent. But a threat occurs.

Jean has been receiving visions about a mutant, a powerful one who wants to take over the world. In Egypt, Apocolypse has awakened from his thousand-year sleep and has caused some trouble with the civilians. Charles sends the X-Men to Egypt to find this discovery.

Note: Just imagine Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep) as Apocalypse in the 90s.

On their trip to Egypt, Ororo remembers her time under Shadow King's imprisonment. She has told Alex about her adventures in Cairo. As the team enters Cairo, Egypt, everybody splits up into groups. The team is split into two.

Team 1: Ororo, Alex, Pyro, Kitty, Angel, Annabelle, The Dazzler, Jean, and Gambit.

Team 2: Rogue, Darwin, Banshee, Emma, Scott, Colossus, Bobby, and Nightcrawler (Kurt).

When they explore Apocalypse's tomb, Ororo finds a discovery. She finds him standing in the dark to persuade her to join him for the possible four-horsemen team he's building. But Ororo refuses to join him. She attacks and some of the team comes in to help out. He's too powerful. So, team X-Men is falling apart and chaos continues. The team starts to question their loyalty to the team and eventually Pyro and Angel (Zoe Kravitz) join Apocalypse. Angel and Banshee broke up when she left the team to join Apocalypse.

The team recruits back to the mansion and Charles decides to locate where some of the former members went using Cerebro. Apocalypse finds out and taps into his mind. The same scene happens but imagine it as old Charles and the rest replaced with some of the members of the X-Men while Alex remains there. 

Note: Beast, Kitty, The Dazzler, Gambit, and Colossus are there. Mystique isn't in this scene. The same for Moira.

In this scene, the X-Men are split up doing different missions. Two former members of X-Men are attacking Ororo and others in another setting. While Alex and Charles are being attacked by the ones with Apocalypse.

Note 2: Magneto is there in this scene but older. He escaped from prison after Apocalypse broke him out. Also, the winged mutant doesn't show up till later in the books. So, it's only Psylocke and Magneto.

During the heat of the battle, we switch back to Charles, Alex, and the others. Alex tries to save Charles and this scene happens:

Quicksilver has entered the chat. He saves everyone from the mansion. Apocalypse and his crew leave the scene. Ororo and the gang come back from fighting off Pyro and Angel. They see the destruction of the mansion, surrounded by fire. Ororo rains the mansion to put it out. 

Annabelle asked where Charles went and Beast told her that he was taken by Apocalypse. Since Ororo is putting out the fire, the rest of the team questions Quicksilver. Everyone looks around, seeing that everyone got out of the fire. But the question is...where is Alex?

Beast explains that he was trying to stop Apocalypse and Quicksilver couldn't get to him in time. He was too close to the blast. Banshee, Bobby, Gambit, Darwin, and Scott race to the destruction of the mansion to find Alex. Annabelle and Rogue follow. Ororo comes down after ceasing the fire, the rain continues to pour and thunder claps in the sky. Beast, Kitty, and the team all looked at her with worry. She raised an eyebrow, puzzled at their reactions. Annabelle is already in tears as Jean holds her in her arms. Nightcrawler cries into Beast's shoulders. Kitty is sobering to herself.

This whole scene is dark and gloomy since Ororo is controlling the weather. But this scene particular was a breaking point for her character. Ororo turns around to see the boys, crushed at the thought that Alex is dead.

Ororo shakes her head and looks at Quicksilver. She goes up to him to question him. 

Note 3: Quicksilver would know who Alex is since he's seen him on TV.

Scott breaks down in tears with Banshee and Bobby joining him. Darwin is furious and is going to attack Quicksilver. Beast and the women try to stop him from doing that. Ororo is standing there, taking in the information about her fiance's death. The Dazzler and Rogue try to comfort her. She backs away to look at everyone, drenched in her sadness. She is walking around in circles, figuring out this realization. Alex is dead and there's nothing she can do about it. All those times they had together, those lasting memories left an impact on her. She gets down on her knees to cry, and the rain pours heavily on everyone. Her emotions are out of control. Tornados start to form. Everything is going into chaos. Beast shouts at her to stop. She couldn't.

Ororo is going out of control, the wind growing stronger, and the tornados too. The rain poured heavier and it looked like bad weather around. She is floating from the ground, the wind circling her. Rogue flies to Ororo but she is blown by the wind. Lighting is forming from her fingertips. Jean taps into her mind, telling her to stop. Ororo descends from the sky and is on her knees again. 

She looks at the puddle near her at her reflection. Ororo clenches her fist, determined to stop Apocalypse. Not only stop him but end him


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