Canceled Book Project: Heyé The Monster Planet (Super-Verse)

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The Plot: A young adult woman (of any race) had a birthday. Her grandma just passed and she was so close to her. But when she died, she was given a gift. A storybook about a world called "Heyé" (Hey-yeh): it's magical and out of the blue, the girl gets sucked into an adventure to discover herself, befriend a world different from hers, and find love.

The story was based on the movie EPIC, Ferngully, Strange Magic, Mia & Me.

The novel was going to be a standalone book before even thinking about connecting it with Darko-Man, Cooter, and Bone-Skull. That plan failed because I was trying to create my own fictional fantasy world and I gave up on trying to make a fictional race. So the story was made early in 2017 but was soon canceled in 2019 after bringing back the storyline again a year after.

Will I bring back the book? No, because I have no interest in writing this story again. I've moved on with other projects in mind that I have to start brainstorming about.

Original Characters Of MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora