Unpublishing "I'M DEAD" | shelving the book for now

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I decided to take down the book because I haven't been in the mood for writing the zombie genre. It's been 9 months since I last published Chapter 4 in January. I did start a page for I'M DEAD's chapter 5 and planned on splitting it into 3 parts of building up the zombie apocalypse. From there, a time jump begins where we get to the main beats of the story about the characters going through the zombie apocalypse. 

That is where I was going with the story but I had trouble with writing the 5th chapter. Even when writing it, I got kind of bored because I was still following up on what happened after the 4th chapter. But I still wanted to jump to the action where the story will take its course to the zombie apocalypse.

So, I decided to unpublish the book and will probably do the chapters offline/behind the screen. Or, if I come up with something new then I will publish it again. I am not canceling the story, no I am not. However, I did not want to leave the book not updated for so long. Because that was when I decided to take down the book to figure the plot out. I don't want to get bored of the story because so far, I am. Another thought when I looked at the draft of chapter 5, I didn't want to write a zombie-cliched story. So, a lot of things went through my mind that led me to make this decision. 

I'M DEAD will return, just not now. 

I am putting my focus on other stories which is a factor in unpublishing I'M DEAD. Like, my focus is not on the book and already thinking of the future of my other stories. Stories that I am regularly updating a month or 2. I'M DEAD is in the back of my mind so I rather put I'M DEAD to the side and will figure out the plot offline. While I will focus on the main stories like the Mystique series, the Greek Gods trilogy, and The Vamptress since these stories are important for me to write right now. So since I unpublished I'M DEAD, the book isn't going to be under the "brainstorming process" list in my profile. Those books are stories that haven't gotten chapters written yet. They are in the early process of developing their stories and me taking them in the direction of how the stories will turn out in the future. 

You probably are thinking I should be updating my Superman fanfic right now. And, it's fanfic so what's the hold up of no chapters? Well, here's the thing. I tried starting a page for the fanfic and I got nothing. So, I had to change some things around in the plot to find something to write about. I did and my focus isn't on fanfic since my focus is on stories I wrote chapters to. Not a book that has no chapters except for an introduction page and a character aesthetic page. 

With the stories that have CHAPTERS, ideas have been pumping up in my brain that made me continue writing the books. I know I'll take it slow with "Elina, Elina" but the Noble Anderson and Feeble/Warrior is where I can actively write on those and never get bored. With "Elina, Elina" a lot of things had to change because in the original book, I took quite slow but with the original versions of Feeble/Warrior and The Noble Anderson is where I kept posting chapters left and right. Even when I wasn't in the mood for publishing a chapter but had a knack for actively writing books and got them done fast except for The Noble Anderson. Other than that, the original The Noble Anderson book had enough chapters that surpassed the 4th chapter mark. 

Back in my old account, I canceled new stories where It had 2 to 4 chapters. So, the fact that the original books for Noble and Feeble/Warrior really said something about how I approached their stories. 

Anyway, I am shelving "I'M DEAD" and will be brought back once I take care of my stories that have CHAPTERS in them. 

I'M DEAD is not canceled but will return soon. I need to find a way to get attached to the story and figure out the plot. It's like, I don't need to make it complicated and just have fun writing it. 

Dealing with multiple stories for you may be a lot, and I agree on my part. However, it really depends on where your focus will lie because if the story is drawing you in as a writer and a reader then it helps to get you through the stages where you may feel bored of the story or getting writer's block. What matters is that if the story is drawing you in then I guarantee the book will be finished. If some things in the plot are boring you that are slowing you down from updating chapters regularly then take a step back to figure out the book of where you want the story to go. I will expand further on how to deal with multiple stories and will talk about a book of mine that is getting the same treatment as I'M DEAD.

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