Darko-Man: What's Going On?

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First and foremost, I've been wanting to post the prologue but having trouble to type words on the page

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First and foremost, I've been wanting to post the prologue but having trouble to type words on the page. I've written two paragraphs but they aren't enough to make it engaging. After explaining a lot about Darko-Man's background, I had to change some of the stuff from the original since this is a revival of the book after 3-4 years. The idea for the revival is strong but I don't know how I can execute it. In the original, I did a mix of third person and first person. Ivan and an outer narrator narrate the events of the story for two chapters before its cancellation. Now, it feels like I am starting from scratch. However, I've been battling the idea of whether or not I should do first person from Ivan and Pamela's perspective or third person to show the world of Gorrah. There are a lot of important character backstories I want to tell in Darko-Man. So, I am going to continue brainstorming the prologue and try to choose which point of view I can continue with. Other than that, chapters are coming soon.

I already set up a Pinterest board on private for Ivan Gorrah and Cooter Mistress Flirtatious. But for Bone-Skull, I need to find the perfect Faceclaim for him because before I even start to create his human character design as well as the mask, I need the actor first to draw my ideas from for his character design.

For example, Bloom from Winx Club was based on Britney Spears.

See? That is what I do with all my characters

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See? That is what I do with all my characters. Their faceclaims are used as a blueprint. And that's where I get to work into what their character can look like. Then, I start doing different designs of them while they are the same character.

I've found the perfect actress that matches Cooter's book appearance. For Ivan, I found an actor so far that can fit. Adrian Pasdar is the blueprint of Ivan's face. So, I try to find an actor whose 47-48 resembles him. I did but I am having different ideas about the actor I want to replace him with. 

Though, what sticks with me with a faceclaim for a character is the chemistry. I need to see faceclaim chemistry with other characters within my subconscious that'll make me have a character's faceclaim stay. But always remember that a faceclaim will always change because that's when as an author, I try to find someone that can at least match the actual book description of a character. Other than that, book characters stay the same because if they have a strong distinct look, it becomes permanent.

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