Youtube Writers I Recommend To Watch

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The people I chose here are novel and comic book writers. 

1. The Unwanted Book Club

2. Rachel writes

I relate to her because I've had ideas for publishing my books and wanted to be a famous author. Yet, it isn't as easy as it sounds. And I know everyone wants Netflix deals to have their stories told but it is a higher market of demand when it comes to Hollywood and authors. Many original stories on Wattpad won't be as noticed unless you enter Award books or anything Wattpad related. Or some aren't even noticed at all.

I made the early first chapters of Feeble in the summer of 2021 when I was watching a lot of Authortube. But writing for myself is what brings me here on Wattpad. I heavily think of movie deals, TV show deals, and many deals that sound so good in my head yet I have to be realistic.

3. The Audio Man

I've gone to this guy's old channel since 2017. But this is one of my favorite YouTubers I've watched.

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