Super-Verse: Weird Alien Girlz From Outer Space

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Written Under Description (March 10, 2019): 

Alien Girls from different planets live in a spaceship and discover weird things.Rosie Is From The Sea Monsters planet. Scary Mary is from The Planet Of The Monsters. Dixie is from The Gorrah Planet. Connie is from the Conehead planet. Icy is from The Ice Spites Planet. Where it's very very cold there. She has 12 sisters, who all look alike and are the same height. 

Their heights: 

Connie (Height)- 5'5 

 Icy (Height)- 4'3 

 Dixie (Height)- 6'0 

 Scary Mary (Height)- 6'2 

 Rosie (Height)- 6'2 

 [AGES]Icy: 15 |  Connie: 16 | Dixie: 17 | Rosie: 18 | Scary Mary: 17

Thoughts: The book was going to be a standalone or a trilogy. I planned for Darko-Man to show up in some chapters. The gang was also going to have a book crossover with Candy and her siblings (the alien siblings with a nanny). However, I plan to bring this book back from the dead and change Connie, Rosie, and Dixie. The rest will be the same because I created them from scratch. This book was a crossover between Coneheads (1993) and an original story. A fanfic and original story. 

Fun fact: I used my face for Icy's appearance and made her face look distinct.

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