The Romance: All Couples Are Different

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There are different love languages among the couples in my books.


THE MYSTIQUE SERIES: Danny and Linda are affectionate and will be all over each other even when they are not kissing. Although they kiss a lot, you'll see them touching each other in non-sexual ways to demonstrate how affectionate they are. Additionally, I've mentioned in Book 2 of Warrior that Linda's love language is physical touch, so you'll see a lot of that as the series progresses.

Goldwind and Helen's love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. They are the new sexy couple I'll show more of in the series. I'm just so excited though.

A/N: So far, there will be new couples coming soon because I am mostly focusing on the storyline before trying to introduce a new ship or anything for that matter.


Most of the couples within any of my book series or standalone novels will be physical touch but I will incorporate more of the love languages besides that. However, half of the iconic couples aren't even developed yet (Pamela & Ivan | Cole & Angie, etc) since Cole & Angie are slow-burn while I haven't started on Darko-Man yet. The only couple ACTIVE within my books are Danny and Linda. Helen and Goldwind are secondary characters yet they will be super important to the storyline since I just introduced Goldwind's wife in Chapter 31 of Warrior.

I'M DEAD has Sally and Leonard except Sally is deceased. Early on in Leo's life, they are affectionate. Then the rest of the iconic couples I have planned are not yet developed and haven't even introduced the major characters. Soon, I plan to do ranking all of the couples I've written in my top tier list and do some analysis on the whole relationship. Friendship is included as well. Such as who was toxic or healthy, were they meaningful to the storyline, etc.

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