Greek Gods: Why Did I Cast The Gods In Different Age Groups?

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Zeus's sons, Hephaestus and Ares look OLD as hell while you find Hebe and Eileithyia look so much more believable as his children with Hera. If you haven't seen the newest post of Greek Gods, I've cast Jaz Sinclair as Hebe while Mia Goth is Eileithyia. Brett Gelman and Michael Fassbender are Hephaestus and Ares. So why is that? I've mentioned this before. The gods will be related to each other with different races. They're so diverse in culture and movies, why not make everyone different?

All the gods are in age groups depending on their level of maturity and personality. With Hermes, I see him as a trickster child with a humorous nature. Hephaestus is supposed to be a deformed god with an ugly appearance that Zeus and Hera found disgusting said in the myths, so I cast Brett to make Hephaestus older in appearance. And I can't see him with any young actor, so I made that decision.

Apollo and his sister, Artemis, they're supposed to be twins. They are but I thought of Apollo with lustful attributes and charisma. I cast Oscar Isaac as Apollo because I see Apollo having a big brother personality to his twin sister. He is protective of her, but Artemis, she depends on him. So they have this bond where they care deeply for each other but soon Artemis will despise him when Apollo turns bad.

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