Super-Verse: Okeji & Shield Armor (important story)

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Author's Note: This story idea was invented in 2019 I believe. And, I will be revisiting back at what I remember from there.


Note: I drew inspiration mostly from Pocahontas' looks from the Disney film

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Note: I drew inspiration mostly from Pocahontas' looks from the Disney film. I used the woman from a picture on the internet and used stickers such as the feathers on her hair available from PicsArt because that was where I made book covers and still to this day. I colored some face paint on her face to make her look like a Native. Okeji is about 5'11 or 6'0.


Note: He is based on Captain America but Shield's personality is different from Cap's. Well, it is similar to how he wants to do what is right but I saw his personality as more cocky, uptight, and witty. That's so far from what I remember. Now, in the next one, his face is the best I could make it out to be because the software I used didn't let me make him bald and there weren't any available resources that made his face look more clear. 


- Hugh Jackman + Tom Cruise, combined but added green color to Shield's eyes

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- Hugh Jackman + Tom Cruise, combined but added green color to Shield's eyes.

- Hugh Jackman's character in Pan (2015) was the first look I had of Shield's face.

- Shield Armor is about 7'11. A very tall and muscular man. That's so far that I can remember. 

Note: I used Captain America's suit and pasted Shield's face on top

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Note: I used Captain America's suit and pasted Shield's face on top. Then, I had to use an app to make Shield taller. For Shield's own suit, I didn't have a good visual of what it could look like. In my head, it looks similar to Cap's but I did not want to copy. So, I added one of the most random colors and it turned out that way. I don't like how it looks but that's the best way I could put it.  



Summary For Shield Armor: In the year of 1700s, Shield is different from your ordinary human. Ever since he was a child, he was taller than most of his peers. People viewed him as a freak and did not want him to be a part of society. Not only was he viewed as a freak, but his sister happens to be one too. They were both very tall individuals, exceeding the height of the average human being. Born to normal-sized parents, they thrived socially isolated since others couldn't comprehend why Shield's parents would give birth to giants. So, he joins the circus since he fits where most people are freaks to the public. Shield Armor is his actual name (and couldn't think of what his name could be). There he meets Okeji, an immortal alien of some type. They meet, fall in love, and this is where the conflict starts. Shield's father has told him that he isn't his father. Except, Shield and his sister (who are twins) are demigods. They are the children of Zeus. After Shield finds out about this revelation, he doesn't want to believe it. But Okeji confirms it. She joined the circus because she waited for him for all these centuries since he is chosen for a greater purpose. Okeji explains that she is not human because she is an alien from the Gorrah planet and has been sent to Earth to wait for Shield. Furthermore, since Shield knows of his real heritage, he quits the circus because he accidentally harmed a member because of his great strength. He decides to join the military to be more grounded and test his strength. 

Now a threat comes in, Shield's half-brother comes in to take down Shield since he is tired of Zeus and wants to destroy Zeus's prize possession. Shield and his half-brother will fight to the death along with their sister joining in to defend her brother. With the trio being tall and muscular demigods, will society accept Shield Armor? Will Shield Armor accept his destiny? 

Summary For Okeji: Okeji arrives on Earth in the 1600s and blends in a Native American tribe. She is questioned by one of the people who will try to expose her to their leader. 

Final Note: This whole story was a mix of Wonder Woman 2017, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Clash Of The Titans 2010. The reason I did not write this story is how Greek mythology can make sense in context and really didn't put that much time into writing it. With the Okeji story, now I have written what it was going to be about since before, I had an idea to do a prequel on her character before she meets Shield Armor. Will I do this again? Yes because I already have a private Pinterest board planned. The story needs to be seasoned for a while and it is in development.

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