Chapter 12 (Anthony)

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        I raised my hand to press the call button in front of me then lost conviction and dropped it. Giana huffed and bumped past me, pressing harshly with intent. I'd just like to ask how the fuck I got here? I shouldn't be here, and yet Giana played her sympathy card on me and won. She cried, pleading that I come with her when she faced Dom today.

She said she was afraid of how it might all turn out. With Alessandro telling Dom all this...she feared it would get physical.

All I kept picturing was Dom and Ale fist fighting like animals and accidentally knocking Giana over in the process. Or her trying to break up the fight and someone's elbow hitting her right in the belly. I couldn't let that happen.

         Giana tried phoning Dom to prepare him, but the asshole was ignoring her calls and left us no choice. She told Alessandro he better get his ass over to Dom's place cuz she was going to show up. Alessandro confirmed he was with Dom and that they were headed to his apartment. That's all Giana needed to know and she was off. Me right behind her.

Domani De Luca lives in a very secure building. To even enter the lobby you need to know somebody in the building and they have to call up and get permission for you to even touch the elevators up to his floor. 

Since Ale was with Dom he must've been the one to give us access because they didn't hassle us. That's what led us here to his private elevator, which will start moving once we hit the call button up to Dom's.

        I could tell Giana was nervous because she's fidgeted today more than I've ever seen her fidget before. She keeps rubbing her belly and chewing on her inner cheek just like her brother does when he's deep in thought too.

I keep rubbing the back of my neck and huffing when I think about the shit I'm about to have to deal with. It won't be simple. Nothing with Dom ever is. 

And worse, I don't even blame him this time. What they did was shitty and he deserved to know. So I understand his reaction when he inevitably flips out. But Dom doesn't like me much these days and my being here might be a deflection to where his rage goes.

        When the elevator jolted and started moving up and up to the top penthouse floor I found myself releasing one last huff. I looked at Giana who looked at me, but neither of us said anything. The ding of the doors opening to the foyer of Dom's very luxury apartment gained his obvious attention. He was already coming around the corner to see who was barging in.

Domani De Luca is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Emphasis on the 'dark' as more than just his black head of hair. He's broad shouldered and very fit, which he's sure to show in his designer, well tailored suits.

He has sharp eyes and an even sharper jaw. I get why women see him and swoon, but they don't know him like I know him. For all his handsome looks and height and blue eyes he's still a deeply flawed man. 

I know women like the idea of a bad boy, but there's a bad boy...and then there's Domani De Luca.

        "What the fu-" Dom didn't get to finish his curse before Alessandro admitted from behind him that he'd let us up. Alessandro isn't as tall as Dom or as strong, but he's mostly fit and a lot better company than his cousin. He's got the dark eyes and Italian features. Those things would matter when finding out whose fathering Giana's kid. Blue eyes? Brown?

Dom was in one of his tailored suits and he immediately puffed out his chest when he saw Giana and I standing there. First a glare at me and then he dropped his eyes and paused.

His blue gaze stayed fixed on Giana's very round, very obvious pregnant belly. And suddenly the man looked almost pale. His jaw went slack and his fists balled tight.

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