Chapter 39

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Giving Scott a ride to his hostel, I made the jollof rice as promised while my guy rendered no help. He wanted me to showcase what I have learned so far and my Jollof rice turned out to be a salty spicy watering one which brings that I still have a lot to learn.

He never stopped making fun of me after his first taste of my so-called jollof rice, and I dare not even try to fry the chicken.

We tried to eat it so as not to waste the foodstuff but we couldn't. We ended up preparing some noodles instead, with his help. I'm just glad to have my best friend back.

After that, we played some video games and also saw the highlights of some football matches we missed. Later on, I headed to the gym studio to do my job, and here I am at home as I just returned from the gym.

I have the intention to sleep over at Scott's hostel, I just came home to get some of my things, including Karen's recipe journal to use to prepare another meal and prove Scott wrong.

I get out of my car and start heading in. My eyeballs suddenly slip to Olivia in the sunshade. That is so strange of her to sit alone when she should be having dinner with Dad by this time.

I went straight to the sunshade to meet her while she is on her phone.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I break the silence and she raises her head to look at me.

"Nope, I have been waiting for you," She retorts and I sit beside her.

"What happened?"

"Dad doesn't approve of Jeff and me," She answers and I exhale with ease. I have no idea that's what is bothering her. I have always known dad will never approve of them considering his dirty work.

"You finally told him?" I marvel.

"I should have listened to Jeffrey," She says, regretting she informed dad about it.

"Maybe dad and I are somehow right that you can't date him," I retort. I would have fought for her if it was something I agreed with.

"Then you guys should show me the reasons you think he is the wrong guy," She raises her voice at me as she gets to her feet.

"I...I..." I stutter as I have nothing to say. She is so upset than I thought.

"And if you have nothing to say, you and dad should back down," She continues. "Because you can never choose the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, for me," She adds and starts walking out on me.

I shrug in surrender, letting out a sigh. I get up immediately to go meet Karen in the kitchen.

She is still in her bib apron, packing some stuff inside the cabinet. 

"Hey, Ren," I greet her, and with that, she turns around to me, giving me an ironic smile probably for calling her Ren.

"Hey, Mickey," She replies and I draw close to her.

"I need your help." I request. "Can you please borrow me your recipe journal this night,"

"Why?" She asks as she scoffs in confusion.

"It's a long story," I say, not wanting to tell her what happened.

"You can cut the long story short to me,"

"Fine, I wanted to prove Scott wrong by preparing a delicious jollof rice and chicken for him..." I am saying and she has already started laughing at me while I roll my eyes. "It turned out worse," I decided to complete my sentence and she couldn't stop laughing.

"Maybe I should have prepared something easier, you know," I add.

"Maybe," She reasons with me. "So you wanna right your wrong?'

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