Chapter 41

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A few days to start our final exam, Scott and I are just coming back from school when we come across my dad's political party doing a campaign rally for him for the election.

I can't believe a lot of people would be at his back for him to win this election. This is crazy.

As they are parading in the street of Ikoyi, some are dancing and singing to the beat of drums and other instruments. Almost everyone put on t-shirts with a custom picture of dad and the logo of his party while they are all holding and displaying his posters.

This has also resulted in some hold-ups for vehicles on the way and my car is not an exception. We just have to wait till the road is clear for us to move.

"Your dad has already won the election, I can bet it," Scott reacts as we can't stop feeding our eyes through the closed window glasses by our sides.

"Yeah," I reply briefly with a lot on my mind.

"You do not seem happy," Scott says as he stares at me.

"That's because I'm not,"

"Come on guy! You should be happy for your dad, it's a great opportunity for him," He advises and I let out a sigh. I know Scott is saying all this because of what he thought about my dad, the same way I did before knowing some shocking stuff about him.

"What if he is not the right person to win this election?" I reply rhetorically.

"What made you think that way?" He throws back a question at me in confusion.

"With what I have been finding out about my dad, I don't think he is selfless," I try to express myself. "He can' to others or strangers except for his family,"

"You mean he is going there just for him and his family?"

"Exactly, take a look at Tracy and..." I wanted to say Jeff but I paused immediately  I recall I still do not want to disclose to anybody that he is a drug dealer. "I told you why she is with my dad,"

"Of course," He admits.

"What do you think?" I inquire for his advice.

"You have always had a big heart Mike and I can see how hard it is for you about your dad," He begins to say. "But you have to keep doing the right thing no matter what. This country and every state in it needs good and selfless leaders. We all make our choices including all these folks rooting for your dad but sometimes we don't even know what our choices are. We don't know if they are good or bad, we are just trying, being humans and if there is one person that has the opportunity like you to reveal a bad one for us, it's still worth it for people not to suffer for another four years," He adds and I take a deep breath as his words touched my heart.

"Thanks for this," I mutter to him, gulping.

"Anything guy," He responds and holds my shoulder. "And I will always be there for you," He adds and I nod okay with a smile.

Then we heard a horn behind us and facing front, I can see the way is open and other vehicles before us had moved. I start the engine and I continue driving.

"So I'm thinking we should have some time together with the babes before our exam officially starts," Scott suggests. "Like double dates,"

"Well, Ren and I are not dating," I roll my eyes.

"I know, even though you sound jealous,"

"Jealous? No way," I denied. "I will ask her tho,"

"Great," He says.

"So tell me what has been going on between you guys," I inquire while focusing my eyes on the road.

"Everything is just perfect," He is saying and I cut in.

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