Chapter 23

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Continuing the story, Jeddob was ready to answer any questions Guardian had, but first he needed to explain a bit of his past in oder for everything to make sense.

Jeddob: first of all as you heard before, I am from Mars, and like you I am the last one of my kind.

Guardian: I thought martians only existed in the movies.

Jeddob: those movies are terrible.

Guardian: haha true, so how did you get here, I mean were you sent here or did you come here willingly?

Jeddob: I'll get there. Many years ago, my planet was dying, our resources were running low and our only chance of survival was moving to another planet.

Guardian: you mean move here to Earth?

Jeddob: correct, half of our people thought that taking over Earth would ensure our survival, and the other half opposed to it, saying it would cause more destruction and death if the humans were to rise up against us.

Guardian: please tell me you were on that side.

Jeddob: I was.... and so was my king, he didn't believe that invading another land and killing its habitants for the sake of our survival would leave a good reputation on our legacy, so he opposed to it.

Guardian: if only people of Earth thought of that as well.... so what happened?

Jeddob: what always happens when there's conflict..... war. Many martians rose up against our King causing a civil war in our planet.

Guardian: I'm sorry to hear that.

Jeddob: long story short, a massive battle took place in our fortress, many died that day, and there was no winner..... instead only more martians died of their wounds, diseases or starvation.... slowly my kind was becoming extinct.

Guardian: did you..... had a family?

Jeddob: .... I did, a wife and a daughter. They were both killed.

Guaridan: I'm sorry I didn't know.

Jeddob: it's okay.... after the war ended I was doing my best to survive the aftermath. Then around 40 or 50 years ago my ship picked up a signal, as if someone was trying to make contact from another planet. I used the last of my ship's fuel to track the signal and it led me here to Earth.

Guardian: you landed your ship? What happened to it?

Jeddob: the humans took it, as soon as I landed they feak out and used their weapons against me, I ran away far from them. With no way to go home I decided to isolate myself, stay hidden from the humans I successfully did for years avoiding any type of human contact and learned to disguise as one of them.

Guardian: I didn't know you went through all that.... I'm so sorry.

Jeddob: it's all in the past, I have grown used to live in solitude. After that I heard news about a person who can fly and go as fast as a bullet train, I have been watching you on the news and how you saved multiple people.

Guardian: is that why you were following me?

Jeddob: yes I wanted to observe who they were talking about, I knew it wasn't a human... I had a hunch you were from another planet just like me.

Guardian: so when you "observed" me yesterday, why was I the only one to notice you?

Jeddob: one of my abilities I learned was to alter people's mind, that is also how I avoided many humans, although I guess it only works on humans.

Guardian: (that explains why Mike didn't see him.) So why did you run away when I tried to call you?

Jeddob: I apologize for that, I feared that you would see me as a threat, I couldn't take that risk.

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