Chapter 42

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Walking back to the lodge, Hitohito was carrying the wounded dog that attacked both teenagers, Hitohito had a lot on his mind right now, but the most important question was, why didn't he attacked back?

What caused him to not retaliate against the canine? Was it fear? He doubts it, something more perhaps.

Hitohito: we shouldn't be too far now-

A rain drop interrupted his sentence, when he looked up at the sky he noticed that the stars could no longer be seen.

Hitohito: looks like it's rainin-


A rainstorm caught the two teens off guard.

Hitohito: great just my luck! Let's find a nearby shelter Komi-san!

Shouko: -nods-

It didn't took them long to find a shack, Hitohito opended the door and cheeked the inside.

Hitohito: hello anyone here?......

He received no answer, the place looked a bit empty.

Hitohito: looks like a storage place, -turns to Shouko- let's take shelter in here.

Shouko: -nods-.

Hitohito lay the dog carefully into the ground and started looking for a first aid kit when he noticed that Shouko was cold.

Hitohito: here you can have my jacket.

When he took it off, he noticed that it was also wet from the rain, so it wouldn't do any good.

That's when Shouko found a warm blanket and covered herself.

Hitohito: (well at least she's warm but I still have another problem.)

Hitohito turned to the dog that was wounded he could only find one bandage for the wound so he could either use it on his shoulder or on the wounded canine.

Hitohito: (I'll be okay, this is only a scratch.)

He patched the dog up and let it rest.

Hitohito: quite a storm outside right?

Shouko: -nods-

Hitohito: guess we'll have to wait until it dies or someone looks for us. (I could go find help but I don't want to leave her alone specially with the dog that almost hurt her.)

Shouko: Tadano-kun......

Hitohito: yes?

Shouko: I um... -she opens the blanket- you need to get warm too.

Hitohito: (she wants to share the blanket?.......) no no it's okay I'm not that cold!

Hitohito was a blushing mess.

Shouko: I... I insist I wouldn't want you to get a cold.

Hitohito: (well not like I can't get cold but I also don't want to worry her.)

Hitohito in order to avoid raising suspicion Hitohito took the other half of the blanket and wrapped it around his body.

Hitohito: (this feeling is quite nice.)

Shouko seemed nervous but at the same time worried about Hitohito's wound.

Hitohito: you okay Komi-san?

Shouko: ! Y-yeah it's just that I'm worried about your wound.

Hitohito: hm? Ah don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt. (What matters is that you are safe.)

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