chapter 46

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Later that night Taiyo arrived to his home, to be greeted by his older sister.

Taiyo: I'm home.

Yukiko: welcome home- what happened to you?

Taiyo didn't noticed that he was dirty from the fall earlier.

Taiyo: oh yeah I tripped and fell.

Yukiko: well you better take a bath first.

Taiyo: oh right I also found this!

He showed the statue from earlier.

Yukiko: what's that?

Taiyo: I found it under the bridge, doesn't it look cool?

Yukiko: it looks old, why did you bring it?

Taiyo: well I think it might belong to someone but in the mean time I have it for safekeeping.

Yukiko: I see, what if you don't find the owner? What will you do then?

Taiyo: I guess I'll keep it then.

Yukiko: honestly I don't see the appeal, but it's yours.

Taiyo: great! -yawns- man I'm tired, I'll head to bed.

Yukiko: take a bath first.

Taiyo: okay.

Meanwhile in the Tadano residence.

Hitomi: hey brother I have to ask you something.

Hitohito: what is it?

Hitomi: if for some reason there was another individual who could do the same things you can do, would you feel jealous?

Hitohito: no, why would I?

Hitomi: well, that person might gain more fame than you, wouldn't you feel threatened by that?

Hitohito: not really, I already stated that I don't expect any fame or fortune out of saving people, I only do it because-

Hitomi: because it's the right thing to do, yeah yeah, I know.

Hitohito: I know you might not agree with it, but those are my ideals.

Hitomi: well... if you're happy I'm happy.

Hitohito: thanks Hitomi.

Hitomi: but man could we be making a whole lot of money from your merch. Who knows, maybe the upcoming Guardian film will be a massive success at the bos office.

Hitohito: yes that is true but- wait......... what did you say about a movie?

Hitomi: oh you didn't know? They're making a movie about you, it's all over social media.

Hitohito: wait, when was this a thing?!

Hitomi: it was confirmed not long ago, it's gonna be directed by Games Junn, so I know it's gonna be good.

Hitohito: first a toy and now a movie.... what else is next?

Hitomi: probably an awful videogame where your only objective is to fly through rigns pfff.

Hitohito: yeah let's not-

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Hitohito: -checks his phone- oh it's Najimi.

Najimi: Hitohito my favorite childhood friend.

Hitohito: when you say that it's because you need something.

Najimi: wow I just wanted to invite you to the beach and you assume that I want something.

Hitohito: oh sorry Najimi, I guess-

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