Chapter 44

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Mike was on his bed still thinking about the conversation he had with Wayne.

Mike: just what are your plans Wayne?

Since he couldn't sleep he was scrolling through his phone looking at social media, and watching articles about Guardian.

Guardian saves passengers from an airplane crash.

Guardian helps victims of tornado.

Guardian stops a human traffick ring.

Mike: I just don't know how someone who saves people could be considered a threat.

The Tadano residence.

Hitohito: I'm home.

Jeanne: welcome home, any progress with Brako?

Hitohito: almost, just a couple of more tries and I can bring him home.

Jeanne: well about that Hito.

Hitohito: hm?

Jeanne: your father and I were talking and... wouldn't it be better if you just let him stay in the fortress.

Hitohito: why?

Jeanne: well with the new baby coming I don't think it would be safe to bring him into our home.

Hitohito: but that's why I'm training him.... I don't want to leave him with B.T. with the rest of his life.

Jeanne: but wouldn't it be better-

Hitohito: mom I can't do that to him... for 16 years he's been going through some rough stuff that I wasn't aware of.

Jeanne: Hito...

Hitohito: I know I'm asking for a lot but please, let me keep him, I already failed him before I don't wanna do it again.

Jeanne: .... you're right, I trust you Hito.

Hitohito: thanks mom.

Jeanne: but you'll still have to convince your dad.

Hitohito: -sighs- of course.

Jeanne: -giggling- we didn't say we were gonna make it easy.

Next day at Itan.

Hitohito had just finished his work for the committee and was ready to head home, he looked at the window and it seems that it's started raining.

Hitohito: man it's pouring outside, and it's almost June.

Once he went downstairs, he saw Rumiko outside of the entrance and how her umbrella broke and flew aways.

Hitohito: -approaching her- you okay?

Rumiko: T-Tadano? How long have you been there?

Hitohito: I just got here... so your umbrella flew away huh.

Rumiko: it's fine, it's not raining that hard, plus I like to keep my hands free.

Hitohito: well you'll catch a cold like that, here -hands her his umbrella- I always bring two umbrellas just in case.

Rumiko: I-I see. I'LL TAKE IT THANK YOU!

She became a full tsundere when Hitohito offered her the umbrella and walked back home.

Hitohito: well I suppose no one else is here so I'll just fly ho-

Katai: yo Tadano.

Hitohito: hmm? Ah Katai-kun.

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