Chapter 41

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Saturday 10 am. The isolation fortress.

Ziara: wow uncle Tal-El did an impressive job making this facility.

Hitohito: yeah and to think the ship I was sent into here turned into this.

Ziara: uncle Tal-El always was full of surprises.

Hitohito: Ziara I want to ask but what do you know about my parents?

Ziara: not much I know aunt Jeanne is pregnant, and uncle Satoshi is working as an accountant-

Hitohito: I meant my brakonian parents, sorry for the confusion.

Ziara: oh them.... -smiles- there where good people. You father always did the best he could for Brakon, and your mother always supported him...... your mother.

Hitohito: I don't know a lot about my mother, could you tell me what you know about her?

Ziara: -smiles- with pleasure....... Her name was Aura she was the kindest woman in all of Brakon. She was like a second mother to me, when I was little she would let me stay over her place and cook for me.

Hitohito: wow.

Ziara: when she found out she was pregnant her joy increase around the household. She couldn't wait for you to be born. She made the suit that you are wearing.

Hitohito: I see...

Ziara: but when the destruction of Brakon was imminent it broke her heart sending you away, but she also found comfort because I'll be looking out for you, trusting that you will be taken care in a loving home.

Hitohito: ......

Ziara: she never got to see into the person you are, but she'd be proud of what you have become Zol-El.

Hitohito: -sniffs- thank you Ziara..... I promise to honor my mother's memory.

Ziara: I know you will Zol-El.

*ring* *ring*

Hitohito received a phone call from his mother.

Hitohito: wow I didn't know I could get reception from here.

B.T: that is thanks to the universal satellite installed in the fortress, its range could reach up to another galaxy.

Hitohito: huh good to know -answers the phone- hello?

Jeanne: Hito-chan I know you're too busy but-

Hitohito: no worries mom, what do you need?

Jeanne: your father and I were talking about Golden Week, and if you wanted to go camping.

Hitohito: Camping? Sounds fun!

Jeanne: great! You think Ziara might join us?

Hitohito: hold on let me ask her, hey Ziara do you want to go camping with us on Golden Week?

Ziara: I appreciate the invitation, but I'll have to decline. B.T. and I have work something out to get my spaceship back.

Hitohito: oh I see, well if you change your mind let us know.

Ziara: I'll keep that in mind.

Hitohito: sorry mom looks like she won't be joining us.

Jeanne: oh I see, well hopefully mext time.

Hitohito: well I gotta continue my training see you son.

Jeanne: don't come home too late see you.

Hitohito: -hangs up- okay now back to bussines.

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