Chapter 30

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A few hours earlier.

Hitohito just returned home after dropping off his White Day gift at Shouko's house, once there Hitomi asked him for help cleaning the house.

Hitomi: nii-chan what's for dinner?

Hitohito: I don't know, let me check on the fridge and see what we have.

Hitohito opened the fridge and to his surpirse it was completely empty.

Hitohito: strange I thought mom bought groceries this week.

Hitomi: what is it?

Hitohito: it seems we're out of everything, hmmm I guess I'll go to the store.

Hitomi: can we have hamburger steak?

Hitohito: sure, do you need anything else?

Hitomi: ice-cream!

Hitohito: -sighs- okay but just this once.

Hitohito once again prepared to go out again.

Hitohito: I should be back in a few minutes in the mean time can you heat up the stove?

Hitomi: yes sir.

Hitohito quickly arrived to the store and quickly got out with all the stuff he needed, but something caught his attention in one of the TVs that was displayed when he passed the electronics store.

It was a news report of an attack that was happening right now on the far side of the city.

Hitohito took out his phone to tell Hitomi to lock the doors and stay safe, a few seconds later he looked for a place to change but the streets were full.

Hitohito: come on just one alleyway with no people.

His search came to a stop when he saw an empty phone booth with no people around.

Hitohito: well it's better than nothing.

He got inside the phone booth to quickly change into his Guardian suit.

Guardian: okay this wasn't so bad, I wonder if anyone did this before.

Meanwhile in another dimension.

Superman: -sneezes-

Batman: did you catch a cold Clark?

Superman: probably.

Back with Guardian.

Guardian looked around the city, his main priority was the people's safety so one by one he helped them.

Mike in the meantime was buying time distracting Isshin while Guardian arrived, it didn't help that he threatened to kill him, but all he cared about was Nakanaka's safety.

Isshin: so..... how do you plan to kill me?

Mike: I can think of many ways, one is setting you on fire.

Isshin: -smirking- oh really? Then I better keep my distance, not like you could do anything anyways hahahaha.

He laughed while pointing at Mike's wounded leg who was still bleeding from the metal shard that was incristed in his leg.

Isshin: before I kill you, answer me this.

Mike: hm?

Isshin: why walk away from the Red Legion? Why walk away from this power?

Mike: .....

Isshin: you don't wanna answer well fine by-

Mike: not everyone in the Red Legion joins voluntarily, in most cases they take you in right after they destroy your home and kill your family.

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