Part 2

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It was time to go back to the tour bus so we all grab our stuff and walk out the venue. As I'm walking down the stairs I drop my book (I bring a book every place we preform so I have something to do to calm my nerves as we wait to go on stage) I start to bend down to get it when Dew reaches down in front of me successfully retrieving it before I do. I stand straight up again and I'm met with Dews eyes and his slightly shy look
Dew- "uhh here.."
He hands me my book and before I even get the chance to say thank you he runs down the stairs.
Y/n- "That's weird"
I mumble to myself but, I decided to ignore it. We get to the tour bus and with out a second thought I go straight to my bunk throwing my stuff on the floor and myself on the bed.
Papa- "Someone's tired."
He chuckles. I don't even look up I just mumble a simple "yeah". I feel papa walk away and then immediately after hear someone else walk over to me. I sigh silently praying to satan that they don't try to talk to me.
Dew- "H-hey... y/n?"
I groan and sit up to see a shy Dew.
Y/n- "What do you want?"
Dew-" uh I c-can leave you alone I-if you want, I-I'm sorry."
He turns to walk away but I grab his wrist spinning him back around.
Y/n- "No!, you're fine I'm sorry I was being rude I'm just tired. So what did you need?"
Dew- " Oh! It's o-okay! The guys just wanted me to ask you I-if you wanted to go out with us to get dinner."
Y/n- " Yeah I could eat. Tell them I'll be there in a second."
Dew-" O-okay"
He turns around and scurries away like a scared puppy. What did I do to him?I think to myself he's always been a little shy around me, but never like this. I wonder if he likes me? Nah he's out of my league. Maybe I should mess with him a little. I chuckle to myself at the thought of embarrassing him. I shake my head at my mean thoughts and go get ready for dinner.
We all pile into the van and Aether starts to drive to the restaurant. We're sitting in this order:
drivers seat-Aether
passenger seat- Papa
Middle row- Mountain, Rain, Swiss
Back row- Me, Dew
Swiss and Rain practically pushed Dew in the back seat with me laughing as they did it. I looked at Dew with a confused look hoping he would explain but, he just quickly turned his head to the window. It's so weird. I think to myself, he's not shy at all on stage or with the guys but for some reason he's always shy with me. Maybe I did something to him, like scare him or something. I get pulled out of my thoughts when Papa put Mary on a Cross on the radio and everybody starts screaming the lyrics. I just laughed and shook my head. We finally get there and everyone starts to pile out of the van and walk to the restaurant. I stop and grab Dew's arm so everyone walks ahead of us, I then turn to him.
Y/n- "Do I scare you?"
I ask blankly not taking my hand off of his arm.
Dew- "W-what no! W-why do you say that?"
He replies looking at the ground and using his other hand to scratch the back of his neck.
Y/n- "Because you're so shy around me but not the others. I just want to make sure I didn't do anything."
Dew- " You didn't do a-anything!"
He's still only looking at the ground so I use my other hand to pull his chin up so he looks at me.
Y/n- " Just let me know if I do anything that bothers you okay? That's the last thing I want to do."
I see his cheeks start to burn red (all the ghouls are in their human forms right now)
He squeaks out before turning and practically running into the restaurant.I stand there for a moment confused then start to walk in myself. When I walk in I see our table. Papa's sitting at the head of the table then going clockwise Aether, Mountain, empty seat, Dew, Swiss, then Rain. Swiss is shaking and teasing Dew about something and everyone is watching amused except Mountain. His face is stone cold almost angry. I take the only empty seat.
Swiss- "Aww are you shyyyy~?"
Dew- " Shut the fuck up!"
Papa- "Alright you've had your fun leave him alone."
Swiss just chuckles sitting back into his seat. Dew glances at me then looks down at his lap. Mountain grabs my shoulder so I turn and look at him. He whispers:
Mountain- "Did he do something to you?"
Y/n- "What! No he didn't do anything to me."
Mountain-" Then why did he come in here all flustered like that?"
Y/n- "All I did was ask why he's so nervous around me?"
Mountain rolls his eyes and mumbles something. I ignore him and turn my head to look at Dew again he's not looking at his lap anymore but he still has a light pink tint to his cheeks.
We all finish our meals and just start joking around and talking about the show.
Swiss-" Hey y/n! I think it was super funny how you flirted with those two girls. They were going insane!"
Papa- "Now Swiss let not bring that ba-"
Mountain- "No Papa it's fine! It was pretty funny. "
He smiled at me. I returned the smile then said
Y/n- "Yeah it was funny! Apparently it was hot too according to Dew."
His head shot up and looked at me
Dew- "Y-you heard that?"
The table erupted in laughter. His face is bright red again and he looks like he's about to cry. I feel bad so I try to change the subject.
Y/n- "Um so Aether! That guitar solo?"
All the guys went off of that and started talking about it. I sigh in relief that they're moving on from the whole "Hot" thing. I lean over to Dews ear and whisper
Y/n- "I'm sorry I didn't know it would bother you that much."
He whispers back
Dew- "I-it's okay but, th-thank you for changing the subject."
I smile at him and he gives me a quick smile back before looking back at his lap.
We finally get back to the tour bus and we all go to bed. When we wake up we'll be back at the clergy.I get shaken awake from my very deep sleep.
Y/n- "What the fuck do you wantttt?"
Mountain- "We're here dumbass."
He sounds really tired so I decide not to argue. I get up, grab all my bags and head into the clergy. I drag my feet to the third floor (where all the ghouls rooms are) and into my room I throw my stuff on the floor and then I decided to go back to sleep.
Word Count- 1227
AU- sorry for the long chapter!

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