Part 11

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Aether's POV
Holy shit what is he gonna do to me. I follow the. Very angry Papa to his office. He doesn't say a word as he opens the door and signals me to go in. I walk to the chair and sit down. I hear Papa lock the door then he walked behind his desk and sat down. I have never gotten in trouble with Papa, that's Swiss's thing. We sat in silence for a couple of seconds then he said
Papa-"I'm very disappointed in you. You know that you are to tell me before you leave the clergy. Not only did you leave without telling anyone you took the clergy's van without permission."
That hit me straight in the heart. Disappointed? Really?
Aether-"I-I'm sorry Papa I went to g-get Rain a birthday pres-"
Papa-"I don't care where you went. That van is not yours to just go around and do as you please, and you know that. You also, because you didn't tell anybody, had the whole band looking for you. You had Rain in tears, I don't know about you but that is not a very good present."
Aether-"I d-didn't mean to cause all o-of that, I just wanted t-to get Rain a nice present."
Papa-" You scared the shit out of me Aether! Do you understand that? You scared the shit out of all of us. You have clean up duty after practice for a month and for the days we don't have practice you can help clean up the cafeteria.Now go to your room."
Aether-"B-but Papa I just wante-"
I stare at him in disbelief for a second. Then I slowly stand up and walk out.
Y/n's POV
After Aether went with Papa the rest of the band all went to their rooms. Me and Dew went to my room. I sighed
Y/n-"It has been one hell of a day."
Dew-"Yeah it has."
We both laugh
Dew-"What do you think Papa's gonna do to him?"
Y/n-"I don't know the only one who's ever gotten Papa that angry was Swiss."
Dew-"Ohh yeah Swiss gets in trouble a lot now that I think of it."
I smile at him then kiss him on the nose
Y/n-" Now let's finish this movie, go to dinner, then go to sleep."
Dew-"Yes please."
We lay down in bed and start to watch the rest of the movie. Once it was over it was time for dinner so we got up and headed back to the cafeteria. We walked in and sat with the rest of the band. Everyone was there except Papa(He eats in his office) and Aether. I sat next to Mountain and Dew sat next to me.
Rain-"Do you think he killed him?"
Swiss-"What? We're ghouls from hell. We can't die stupid."
Rain-"Well then where is he?"
Mountain-"Can we please stop talking about this. Aether wouldn't want us to be talking about him."
The two boys ignore Mountain and continue.
Swiss-"Look I've gotten in trouble a few times and Papa just made me do chores."
Rain-"Yeah I guess. But you always came and ate with us."
Y/n-"Oh my god maybe he just didn't want to deal with you two clowns."
My comment made Mountain and Dew laugh. Swiss stuck his tongue out at me. I chuckle and do it back causing a "Who can make the ugliest face at each other" war break out between us. After dinner everyone went back to their rooms to go to sleep. I told Dew goodnight and he went to his room to sleep. Instead of going to sleep I went to Aether's room to check on him as soon as I step up to his door it opens.
Y/n-"Oh sorry I just noticed you weren't at dinner and wanted to check on you."
Aether-"I'm fine I don't want to talk about it."
He tries to push past me but I stop him.
Y/n-"You need to eat."
Aether-"Y/n let me through I have to go help clean the kitchen and if I'm late I'll get into even more trouble."
He pushes past and starts to walk down the hall I semi yell down to him
Y/n-"Please eat something!"
Aether-"I'm not hungry!"
Just as he says that he walks out the door. I sigh to myself and walk to my room. I go in and brush my fangs turn off the lights and crawl into bed.I don't sleep at all.
Word count-785
AU- Hey just to clarify the ghouls are always in ghoul form at the clergy and human form everywhere else! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Mountains sister (Dewdrop x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ