Part 57

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AU-Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you enjoy!
We walk into the cafeteria and Dew immediately walks over to the table trying to hide his "situation".
Rain was the only other one at the table. I go and get us some lunch. In the lunch line I run into Papa.
Y/n-"Hey Papa!"
Papa-"Hey Y/n, you know if you and Dew are going to fuck please don't do it in the practice room."
My eyes widen I whisper yell to him.
Y/n-"How do you know!"
Papa-"Well I came back to the practice room to get some equipment I left in there and I realized the door was locked. I found that weird because only I have a key. So I knocked, no answer, I put my ear against the door and heard "Please momm-""
Y/n-"Okay! I get it... I'm sorry."
Papa-"Its okay I've done it once or twice."
Then he winks at me and walks out of the cafeteria to eat in his office. I laugh in disbelief for a second then I take mine and Dews lunch over to the table. As soon as I sit down Mountain, Aether, and Swiss walk in. Mountain and Aether are laughing their asses off and Swiss looks annoyed. They go and get their lunch and sit down with us.
Aether-"You guys are never gonna believe it!"
He says as soon as he gets to the table.
Y/n-"What happened?"
Mountain-"Oh no it was definitely something."
They start to laugh again.
Aether-"I went into Swiss's room to get him for lunch and when I opened the door a RAT ran out from under his bed behind his dresser."
Rain-"A RAT!?"
He yells and quickly pulls his legs up off the floor. He's terrified of rats for someone who's literally from hell he's scared of lot of things. It's the water ghoul in him they are very sensitive.
Y/n-"Damn Swiss I knew your room was nasty but rat infested nasty?"
Swiss-"Shut the fuck up it was one little mouse."
Mountain-"You don't know that there could be a whole colony in there."
Rain-"Ew! Can we please stop talking about rats."
Dew-"Maybe the rats just really like Swiss cheese."
All of us other than Swiss and Rain die out laughing. We all finish up lunch and leave the cafeteria. Me, Aether, and Mountain decide we want to workout so we head to our rooms to change. Dew and Rain go watch a movie. Swiss says he's going to clean his room but I highly doubt that. I get to my room and quickly change into some workout clothes and head down to the gym. I walk into the locker room to see Mountain an Aether. Mountain's leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed in a gray tank top and some blue basketball shorts. Aether's sitting on the bench wearing a band T-shirt and some black jogger pants, he turns to me.
Aether-"You ready?"
Y/n-"Hell yeah!"
Both boys laugh and we walk into the gym.
Word count-520

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