Part 51

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AU-There's mentions of sexual things throughout the whole chapter so be careful! Enjoy!!
Y/n's POV
I throw on a really sexy black dress and some shoes, then quickly comb through my hair. I grab my phone and walk out of my room towards the cafeteria.
Dew's POV
We sit down at the table with everyone else we're in this order:
Mountain Aether Swiss ———one side
Rain Me empty seat —- other side
Rain-"Where's Y/n?"
Dew-"Oh she's getting re-"
At that moment I turn and see Y/n walk through the door. She has on a medium length black dress that hugs her beautiful curvy body. I immediately feel like all of the air disappears from my lungs and my pants tighten around my crotch. I quickly cover my lap as I feel my face heating up. She walks over to me and sits down. I can't believe she's my girlfriend.
Y/n-"Hellooooo? Anyone home?"
She waves her hand infront of my face pulling me out of my trance.
Dew-"Oh sorry."
She laughs and shakes her head.
Swiss-"Someones starstruck."
The whole table erupts in laughter. My cheeks grow even hotter. Y/n leans over and kisses my red cheek.
Y/n's POV
He's so cute when he's flustered. I look down to see him covering his crotch. I let out a soft giggle. I whisper so that only he can hear.
Y/n-"I didn't know I looked that good."
Then I use my eyes to gesture to his "situation". He gives me and embarrassed smile, his cheeks are now the reddest I've ever seen them.
Swiss-"Someoneeee has a boner..."
He teasingly says as he raises his eyebrows at Dew. I give Swiss at mean look at the same time as Mountain gives Dew the same look.
Dew-"S-Shut the fuck up I-I do not have a b-boner!"
Y/n-"Alright! Let's change the subject. Are we excited about the tour next week?"
Aether-"I am! I love seeing all the fans."
Mountain-"I'm gonna go hang out in my room I'll see you all at practice."
He quickly says as he throws away his half eaten breakfast. As soon as he walks out I stand up and give Swiss a death glare.
Y/n-"Why the fuck would you say something like that?! You knew Mountain was sitting right there!"
I feel my blood heating up. Swiss just rolls his eyes. That makes me even more mad.
Y/n-"Oh I'm gonna fucking kill you."
Aether stands up
Aether-"Hey! How about we all just drop it okay?"
Y/n-"What? No!"
Dew-"Please Y/n just f-forget about it...a-and if you get in t-trouble we won't be able to go out today."
He looks at me with pleading eyes. I let out a sigh. He's right if this gets out of hand I'd ruin the whole day. I just hate how Swiss just talks without thinking about what he's even saying and how it effects people.
Y/n-"'re right."
I sit back down and we all finish eating. When we get done we head to the practice room. We get there a couple minutes early but Mountain was already there aggressively banging on his drums. He dose this when he gets angry and wants to calm down. Papas there setting up when he sees me he immediately walks over. He grabs my arm and pulls me away from the rest of the band as he says
Papa-"You guys go get setup."
Once we're out of earshot he turns to me.
Papa-"So what happened? I asked what was wrong and he just says it's nothing or I'm fine."
I let out an annoyed sigh then I told him what happened about me coming in and Dew getting a boner then about Swiss announcing it in front of him. Papa just sighs and rolls his eyes
Papa-"Fucking Swiss...of course."
He mumbles under his breath. He pats me on the back and tells me
Papa-"Go tune up your guitar I'll talk to him later."
Y/n-"Mountain or Swiss?"
Papa-"Both... now go let's get this party started!"
Word count- 697
AU-Sorry about not posting for so long I had a conference thing and college is almost over (thank Satan) so I've been really busy.

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