Part 17

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AU- 3K! Thank you guys so much!! I love writing this story and I'm so glad to be back from my break. Anyway in celebration you guys get TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!! I love you guys so much! Thank you and enjoy <33
I leave Aether to himself with his breakfast (that he promised me he'd eat.) and I go back to the cafeteria. When I walk in I see everyone else was already there. I went over and sat between Dew and Mountain.
Dew-"So what happened?"
Y/n-"Nothing much he's just stressed out."
I glance over at Swiss, his arms are still crossed and he looks upset.
Y/n-"You know he didn't mean to go off on you like that."
Y/n-"He wants to talk to you and REALLY understand what you were trying to say. I'd give him a couple minutes, but you should try to talk to him."
Swiss-"Maybe I'll go after breakfast."
I smile and nod. I turn and look across from me to see a sleeping Rain. Then it hits me
Y/n-"Oh shit."
Dew-"What's wrong."
Y/n-"It's Rains birthday."
Mountain-"Ohh shit."
Dew-"What? Why is that a bad thing?"
Y/n-"We wanted to throw him a party. I completely forgot with all the arrested shit."
I glare at Swiss. He sticks his tongue out at me.
Y/n-"Let me go talk to papa maybe he can make something happen."
I get up and Dew immediately stands up too. I smile at him
Y/n-"Baby, why don't you wait here with the guys?"
Dew-"Can I come with you....p-please?"
I could see tears building up in his eyes. I look at him with confusion and sympathy.
Y/n-"Yea?.. you can come with me, love"
He gives me a slight smile and we walk out of the cafeteria, Dew following me like a sad puppy. Once we get out of view of the guys I turn around and look at him. I grab his hands
Y/n-"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
Dew-"D-do you love m-me?"
He asks and starts to cry. I wrap my arms around him and he puts his head in the crook of my neck, and cries. I move my head down to his ear and I whisper
Y/n-"Of course I love you."
We stand like that for about a minute. Then I pull his head away from my neck.
Y/n-"Now, what did I do to make you think I didn't love you?"
Dew-"Y-you didn't do anything I-I'm just so annoying and needy a-"
I grad his chin and make him look at me.
Y/n-"Stop right there. You are not annoying and you are not needy. I don't like when people talk bad about the people I love, that includes you talking bad about yourself."
Dew-"......thank you, I-I love you s-so much"
I smile at him and kiss him on the nose.
Y/n-"I love you too baby. Are you okay now?"
Y/n-"No. use your words, baby boy."
He blushes really hard and smiles
Dew-"Y-yes I'm o-okay now."
I grab his face with both of my hands and smother him in kisses and he stands there laughing his ass off. I grab Dew's hand and we walk to papa's office. We get there and I knock on the door. I hear shuffling and then the door creeks open.
Papa-"Y/n! And Dew! What do you guys need?"
Y/n-"It's Rains birthday today and we want to throw him a small party, but we don't have anything."
Papa-"Damn I forgot about his birthday, I've been so stressed. I'm glad I already bought his gift. Um anyway how about you two go to the store and get some stuff. You know hang out just you two."
He winks at us. I can feel Dew's face heat up. I smile and agree with him on going to the store. He walks over to his desk and grabs the van keys. He hands them to me.
Papa-"Now, please Do. Not. Get. In. Trouble. If either of you get arrested I'm not bailing you out."
He says sternly and he looks very serious.
Y/n-"Yes sir we'll stay out of trouble. I promise."
He nods and hugs me then turns to Dew and hugs him too.
Papa-"Don't have too much fun you guys~"
He smirks and winks at us again. Dew looks down embarrassed the blush spreading to his ears.
Papa-"Now get lover boy out of here before he dies of embarrassment."
Papa laughs then shuts the door. I glance over at Dew with a shit eating grin on my face. He's still looking at the floor, he's face tomato red. I nudge him with my elbow
Y/n-"Let's go lover boy~"
I tease him with the nickname then start laughing.
Dew-"S-stop laughing ."
I gently grab his chin and make him look at me.
Y/n-"I'm just teasing,plus you're so cute when you're frustrated."
I kiss his angry nose and grab his hand dragging him to the front door. I quickly text the band group chat
The woman 🤢- Yo me and Dew are going to the store  so don't freak out. (No you can't come)
Swiss cheese 🧀- Damn so I can't go?
Tall ass bitch ⛰️-NO! DONT DO IT HE'LL GET ARRESTED!
Swiss cheese 🧀-Stfu
Banana boy 🍌- okay you two have fun
Swiss cheese 🧀- lol
The woman 🤢- You guys are children. And thank you Aeth we will have fun. 💗
Swiss cheese 🧀- Lots of fun 😏
Tall ass bitch ⛰️- Ew bro that's my sister!
I just smile and shake my head as I turn off my phone and stick it in my pocket. I look up to see Dew with his arms crossed and a pissed look on his face. I gently push some of his hair out of his face.
Y/n-"What's wrong sweetheart?"
Dew-"Swiss is so fucking annoying."
Y/n-"I can make him change it back if you want."
Dew-"No it's okay....I-I like being your b-bottom.."
As he says that he looks away and a huge red tent appears on his cheeks even more apparent than usual, due to being in human form.
Y/n-"I like it too my love, now let's go so we have time to set up."
He nods and smiles at me, I return the favor. We walk out of the clergy and to the van. I get in the driver seat and bottom boy in the passenger seat.
Word count-1101

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