Part 22

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I'm sitting in one of the chairs in Papa's office my head down, playing with the ring Dew gave me. Did I really just do that? I punched Swiss in the face, got Mountain burned, and probably scared the shit out of Dew.
Y/n-"I'm so fucking stupid..."
I whisper to myself
Papa-" You're not stupid."
I quickly whip my head around to see Papa standing at the door, I didn't even hear him come in.
Papa-"You let your emotions take over. It's normal for territorial ghouls."
He explained as he walks around to his desk chair and sits down.
Y/n-"Territorial ghoul?"
Papa-"Yep. It's expected of fire ghouls, when they have an emotional connection with another ghoul they get territorial. They'll do anything that they see as protecting people they love even if that means punching someone. This can be with anyone a partner, a friend, a sibling. Anyone."
Y/n-"Oh.. is that why Swiss beat up that guy at the mall?"
Papa-"Well, the guy deserved it I would have busted his face in too, but it could have contributed."
Y/n-"I feel like shit. I hurt Swiss and only a couple of days after he literally almost killed a guy because he said something bad about me. How is he? And Mountain?"
Papa-"Swiss will be fine, he's been in enough fights in his life. Mountain will be in pain for a little while at least until his hand heals, it was a pretty bad burn."
Y/n-"Sooo...I assume you're gonna yell at me now?"
Papa laughs
Papa-"Is that what Swiss tells you guys I do to him? I'm not gonna yell at you, that dose nothing."
Y/n-"So I'm not in trouble?"
Papa-"Oh no! You're definitely in trouble."
We smile at each other
Y/n-"I figured."
Papa-"You are gonna stay here while all of us go out tonight, and you will help Aether clean up after band practice until I feel you've suffered enough."
Y/n-"That's fair."
I am upset about not being able to go out with everyone but I kinda want some time to myself to think about things.
Papa-"At least you don't argue about it. Now I have to talk to Swiss."
Y/n-"Yes sir."
I get up and walk to my room. I open my door and I'm surprised to see Rain playing on his phone sitting in my desk chair and Dew asleep on my bed. Rain looks up at me
Rain-"Oh sorry... uh Dew only wanted to come in here. He wanted to wait for you but he passed out."
I giggle and look back over at him. He's all cuddled up in my bed holding my hoodie against his face.
Rain-"I'll go...."
Y/n-"Thanks Rain."
He walks out and gently shuts my door. I walk over to the sleeping Dew and sit on the bed next to him. I put my hand in his hair and message his scalp. He starts to stir awake and slowly opens his eyes. He sees it's me and immediately sits up.
Dew-"I-I'm sorry I'm in your bed..."
Y/n-"It's okay I don't mind, you looked really cute all cuddled up with my hoodie."
His face burns with embarrassment.
Y/n-"I'm so sorry....."
I feel tears start to pour down my face. Dew wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for a couple minutes then we pull apart.
Dew-"What are you sorry about?"
I look at him confused
Y/n-"Uh? That I caused a scene back there with Swiss, I didn't mean to scare you.."
Dew-"Scare me? You didn't scare me. You protected me...I found it kinda sweet..."
He looks down the blush spreading to his ears. I smile at his cuteness but also because I'm glad that I didn't scare him. I kiss him on the nose.
Dew-"Why do you always do that?"
I laugh
Y/n-"I don't know."
Dew-"Anyway... what happened with Papa."
First I told him all the stuff Papa said about me being territorial, then I told him about my punishment.
Dew-"Wait y-you're not going with us tonight?"
I see Dew's face flood with disappointment. I shake my head
Dew-"T-Then I'll stay here w-with you!"
Y/n-"No sweetheart, you go out and have fun, I don't want to be the reason you miss out."
Dew-"Then I have to talk to papa, it's not fair that you don't get to go, It's Christmas!"
He said as he gets up and walks the the door
Y/n-"No you don't have to talk to Papa it's fine Dew."
He just shakes his head and practically runs out the door, I stand up and run after him.
Swiss's POV
I'm sitting in the infirmary holding an ice pack on my lip.
Aether-"So how you feeling?"
Swiss-"My whole face is throbbing."
He chuckles
Aether-"She hit you pretty good huh?"
I wasn't looking at him but I could feel him smirking
Swiss-"If you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna beat the fuck out of y-"
Papa-"No more fighting with people."
I quickly look up to see Papa standing in the door way with his arms crossed.
Swiss-"Did you talk to Y/n?"
He walks over to me and sits down. Papa waves Aether out of the room so it was only me and him.
Papa-"Yes I talked to her."
Swiss-"How's her hand?"
Papa-"She's okay Swiss."
Swiss-"She punches really fucking hard."
Papa laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder
Papa-"You know why Y/n got so angry right?"
Swiss-"Yeah, yeah the whole territorial bullshit."
I've had this talk with Papa many times. He always tells me I need to be better at controlling my emotions or some shit like that.
Papa-"You know that she's territorial over Dew and getting all up in his face and teasing him then calling him names after she's told you to stop, was bound to set her off."
Swiss-"She didn't have to fucking bust my lip open."
Papa-"You didn't have to punch all the people you got into fights with."
Swiss-"They all deserved it."
Papa-"In your mind they did deserve it, but in the moment Y/n thought you deserved it too."
I guess Papa has a point.
Swiss-"In the moment? Dose she not think I deserve it anymore?"
Papa-"She feels bad about hurting you. You have to remember that she is a fire ghoul but she's only half meaning she only feels half of the emotion you feel."
Swiss-"I guess I feel kinda bad too..... She didn't have to punch me though."
Just then Dew come busting into the infirmary.
Word count- 1154
AU-Oops cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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