Part 45

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Y/n's POV
Me and Dew are just laying together talking about random stuff when I start to here my phone ding over and over again. Me and Dew look at each other with worried and confused looks on our faces. I grab my phone to see that I have 6 unread texts from Rain. I quickly open my phone and start reading
Text messages: Rain 🌧️
Rain 🌧️- Y/n!
-Please Satan hurry!
I quickly jump out of bed and throw on any clothes I can find. Dew gets up and dose the same even though he doesn't know what's going on. What did Swiss do this time? Once I'm dressed I run out the door and to the practice room. Dew follows. When I get to the door I quickly bust through it to see Mountain being held back by Aether his face bright red with anger, Papa standing in between Mountain and Swiss with his arms out looking very stressed, Swiss just standing there with his arms crossed and I can feel the heat radiating off of his body, and Rain standing in the corner watching with wide eyes practically shaking. I run up to Mountain and get in front of him. That's when I see it. His eyes. Pitch. Black. A little lesson on Ghouls. We already know what happens when Fire ghouls get angry, so what do you think happens when earth Ghouls get mad? The black eyes are the first indication that an earth ghoul is very much mad. The second indication is they get insanely strong. I can see Aether's arms violently shaking and he's trying to hold Mountain back, so I put my hands on Mountains torso and push him back into Aether trying to help as much as possible. So super strength? check! Last indication that you have a very pissed off earth ghoul is their breath. It gets extremely cold. Mountain let's out a sharp breath and it sends goose bumps up my arms. Oh shit. Freezing breath? Check! Now my friends you know how to tell if an earth ghoul is about to absolutely kick your ass! Join us next time for more ghoulish lessons! And good luck with that earth ghoul... you'll need it. 
Y/n-"Mountain! Listen to me! Calm down.."
He doesn't even glance at me his black eyes are locked on Swiss.
Mountain-"I'm gonna fucking kill you..."
He whispers under his cold breath.
Aether-"Fuck. Dude calm down."
Swiss-"Let him go! I want to see what he can do."
I quickly turn my head and shoot Swiss an angry glare.
Y/n-"Shut up Swiss before I knock all your fucking teeth out!"
I could feel myself heating up. I don't want to burn Mountain so I take a few deep breaths and focus on trying to calm Mountain down. If he gets to Swiss he'll snap him clean in half, no hesitation. I try to think as much as possible. What can I do to distract Mountain enough to snap him out of this trace like state he's in. I see Aether's hands start to slip off of Mountains arms and I definitely can't hold him myself. Think Y/n! Then it hits me. I pull my arm into my chest and yell
Y/n-"Ow! FUCK!"
I muster up as many fake tears as possible and I drop to the floor. Mountain stops pulling on Aether and blinks hard, his eyes turning back to there original color. Then he get down on the floor next to me.
Mountain-"What happened! W-What's wrong?!"
Papa understands what I'm doing and aggressively grabs Swiss by the back of the shirt and drags him out of the room while Mountain isn't looking.
Y/n-"I t-think you *sobs* broke it."
I keep up my act long enough for Papa to get Swiss to his office so there's no way he can say anything else to Mountain. He quickly but gently grabs my arm and looks at it.
Mountain-"Shit I'm s-so sorry I didn't mean to. I'm such a f-fucking idiot."
I yank my arm away and shove Mountain.
Y/n-"Yeah you really are! What the fuck was all that about!"
Mountain looks at me confused then quickly looks around the room to see that Swiss was gone. He lets out a shaky sigh and and runs his fingers through his hair. He stands up and so do I.
Mountain-"I'm going to my room."
He turns to walk out but I grab his arm.
Y/n-"The hell you are! Sit your ass down!"
I say very sternly as I point to the couch. He looks at me like a pissed off toddler.
I raise my eyebrows as to ask "Do you want to test me?" He rolls his eyes and falls back down onto the couch with his arms crossed. Aether walks up next to my and whispers
Aether-"You deserve an Oscar."
I chuckle a little
Y/n-"Shut up."
I turn to the corner of the room to see Rain clinging on to Dews waist for dear life. I motion Aether over to Rain. He nods and walks over to the scared boy. Aether gently grabs Rains arm and pulls him off of Dew. Rain doesn't even look up he just transfers over to Aether. Aether chuckles and takes him out of the room. Dew walks over next to me. I just keep my eyes on Mountain.
Dew-"Do you want me to leave you two alone?"
He whispers to me.
Y/n-"Yes please, you can hang out in my room I'll meet you there."
Dew-"Alright babe. I love you."
He gave me a quick kiss and left the room. Now it's just me and Mountain and we're both pissed off. This is not gonna end well...
Word Count-1003

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