Part 27

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AU- Heyy! So little warning towards the end of the chapter there's a little bit of talk about sex and sexuality the sex part of the talk is marked with a warning, so just be careful. Also, remember that F/M means favorite movie. Enjoy!!
We cuddle for like an hour but, we're interrupted by a knock on my door. I sigh not wanting to get up. It's almost like Dew can read my mind because he starts to get up and says
Dew-"Don't worry I got it."
We exchange smiles and he walks over to the door opening it. I can't see who it is from where I'm laying but I can hear him
Aether-"Hey are you guys gonna come to breakfast?"
Oh shit. I completely forgot about breakfast I've been so busy and stressed out.
Dew-"Yeah we'll be there in a few minutes."
Then he shuts the door and walks back over to me.
Y/n-"I'm so sorry that I forgot about breakfast your probably starving."
I say as I'm scrambling to get up and put my shoes on. He grabs my shoulders stoping me.
Dew-"Hey, don't worry about it I'm fine I just want you to be okay. You need to be taken care of too."
I stand up and wrap my arms around his shoulders.
Y/n-"I love you so fucking much."
Dew-"I-I love you too."
I pull away and immediately smash my lips onto his. We make out for a little while until I pull away and say
Y/n-"We need to go eat breakfast."
We exchange smiles and walk to the cafeteria holding hands. When we walk in I see that only Aether and Rain are sitting at the table. I go over to them while Dew goes to get our food.
Y/n-"Hey! Where's Swiss and Mountain?"
Aether-"Swiss is hungover from yesterday so he's sleeping and I went to check on Mountain and he told me, and I quote, I'm not hungry, go away, and tell Y/n not to come try to talk to me."
Y/n-"Oh my Saten he's such a fucking idiot."
I roll my eyes and sit in the seat next to Aether.
Aether-"What happened?"
I sigh
Y/n-"He heard me and Dew fucking last night."
Rain coughs, mid drink, orange juice comes out of his nose.
Y/n-"Yeah he got pissed this morning and scared Dew so I went off on him making him even more mad."
Just then Dew comes back over with two plates in his hands. He sits one plate in front of me then sits down in the empty seat next to me.
Dew-"What are we talking about?"
I smile at him and kiss his nose. He smiles at me then looks around confused.
Dew-"Where is everyone?"
Aether-"Swiss is hungover and Mountain is uh.... Not hungry."
Dew-"Is he still mad at me?"
He turns and looks at with a sad look on his face. I sigh
Y/n-"No baby he's not mad at you, he's mad at me because I told him he has no control over what I do."
Dew-"Oh... okay."
Aether-"Anyway! Who's ready for parents night, tonight?!"
Me and Dew shoot Aether worried looks that say "Don't talk about that." Aether looks at us confused then turns and looks at Rain who has his head down and looks like he's about to cry. Aether's face goes from confused to sympathetic.
Aether-"Oh... Rain I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up I didn't kno-."
Rain quickly lefts his head up and puts on fake smile.
Rain-"It's fine!....can w-we just change t-the subject?"
Aether-"um yeah... soooo is everyone ready to start band practice again tomorrow?"
Dew-"Yeah I am!"
Rain-"Yeah I'm excited.."
He said still trying to keep the fake smile but I can tell he's holding back tears, I think we all can. Just then Swiss walks in. His hairs a mess, his eyes are barely open, and he's covered in sweat. Without saying anything he walks over and sits down across from me.
Y/n-"You look like shit."
He lifts his head and looks at me.
Swiss-"Is that what you say when you look in the mirror?"
Everyone laughs, even Dew is trying to hold back his laughter. Swiss smirks
Y/n-"How's your lip? Looks a bit swollen."
I say in a fake worried voice. His smirk falls, so now I'm the one smirking.
Swiss-"Fuck you."
He mumbles. Then his eyes go wide and he looks at me.
Swiss-"Oh shit! Its parents night, and I'm hungover."
He puts his head in his hands. We all laugh, even Rain.
Swiss-"Their gonna kill me.."
He mumbles into his hands. Aether reaches across the table and puts his hand on Swiss's shoulder.
Aether-"It'll be fine, just go take a cold shower and drink a ton of water."
Y/n-"Yes please take a shower. You smell like a mix of alcohol, sweat, and vomit."
Swiss nods then pulls himself out of the seat and drags himself back to his room. We all finish breakfast and everyone goes back to their rooms. When me and Dew walk into my room he asks
Dew-"Do you want to watch a movie?"
We climb into my bed and cuddle up together. He turns on the TV and puts on f/m. I smile and lay me head on his shoulder.
Y/n-"Thank you."
Dew-"For what?"
Y/n-"For being such an amazing boyfriend."
We smile at each other then I kiss his nose.
Dew-"Why do you always do tha-"
Y/n-"Don't ask, I don't know."
We both laugh. We lay there watching the movie and about half way through Dew says
Dew-"Can I ask you something?"
Y/n-"Of course."
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️TALK ABOUT SEX⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
I sit up and look at him pausing the movie.
Dew-"Was I your first time? Is that why Mountains so pissed?"
I smile
Y/n-" were my first time with a guy."
Dew-"With a guy?"
Y/n-"Yeah... I've only had sex with a woman."
Dew-"Wait but you like men?"
Y/n-"I'm bisexual! But I've just only had sex with a woman before you."
Dew-"But then how are you so good at like...
I bust out laughing. He just sits there smiling awkwardly.
Y/n-"Once I learned how to eat out a woman, anything involving my tongue is easy."
His eyes get really big and blush spreads across his face.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️SEX TALK OVER⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Dew-"D-Did you date her?"
Y/n-"No.. we never dated, we were more like friends with benefits. I was just figuring out my sexuality and she "helped" me."
He looks at me confused
Dew-"Do you like women more?"
I grab his hands and look him in the eyes
Y/n-"I don't like anyone as much as I like you."
Then I lean in and passionately kiss him. When I pull away he asks
Dew-"Sooo... did Mountain know about her."
Y/n-"Oh no! I was barely 17 if he would have known he would have killed me."
We laugh.
Y/n-"Me being Bi isn't gonna make anything weird with us right?"
Dew-"What, no! I think it's cool!"
We exchange smiles
Y/n-"I love you so much"
Dew-"I love you too."
Word count-1230

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