Part 46

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AU- Hey everyone. This chapter is really intense and upsetting. There will be talk of rape and sexual abuse this whole chapter. Please proceed with caution.
Y/n-"So what happened?"
Mountain mumbles something under his breath. I feel my body heating up again. I walk up to him and gently smack his forehead.
Y/n-"Don't do that shit. If mom was here she'd kill your ass."
Mountain-"I said nothing!"
He yells as he shoots me an angry look.
Y/n-"We'll something obviously happened! You're don't get like this Mountain...ever. Just tell me what he said."
He rolls his eyes and looks down at his lap not saying anything.
Y/n-" know you could have really hurt hi-"
Mountain-"He deserves it."
Y/n-"Oh my Satan...Mountain, you know how strong you get when you're angry, you know what you can do! Do you really want to do that to your friend, even if he's an asswhole?"
Mountain shoots up and yells
Mountain-"He said I can't protect you! He said that I didn't do anything to protect you at the mall! Do you know what that guy even said? He said he was gonna rape you Y/n... and Swiss said I couldn't have protected you!"
My heart sinks and my stomach starts to turn. That's why Swiss wouldn't tell me what that guy at the mall said. I feel disgusting. The tears start to build up in my eyes.
Y/n-"Um..I-I need a minute."
I say trying not to vomit. I turn around and start walking towards the door. Mountain gently grabs my arm.
Mountain-"Wait, Y/n I'm sorr-"
I pull my arm out of his hand.
Y/n-"Please don't touch me.."
Mountain-"Shit s-sorry..."
I can't hold back the tears anymore they just flow down my cheeks. It's been years since I've even thought about him.
I was sitting in my room playing with my stuffed animal on my bed. I was thinking about all the fun dreams I'll have once I'm asleep. Maybe I'll be able to fly or I'll see unicorn's or hell dogs. My door clicks open and I quickly turn to see my dad standing there with a beer bottle in his hand and his eyes blood shot. I let out a shaky breath. It's always a 50/50 chance of him being like this. Sometimes he'll come in here and be really nice and read me a bedtime story, sometimes he'd even bring me chocolate. But then there's these times, he's mean... sometimes he'll hit me, that's the better option of the two. He walks over to me and slams the bottle on the nightstand I jump at the loud noise.
Y/n's Father-"Lay down and shut the fuck up."
My heart speeds up and I feel the tears build up in my eyes. Don't cry. Don't cry. It'll be worse if you cry. I repeat to myself over and over again. When it's over and he finally leaves I cuddle up with stuffed bear and just cry. I wish my mommy was awake and could've saved me...
I didn't even notice that I was having a panic attack until Mountain pulls me out of my flashback.
I look at him with a look of fear.
Mountain-"He's gone Y/n... you're safe okay?"
I nod then quickly wrap my arms around Mountains waist and just cry. He rubs his hand up and down my arm.
Mountain-"Shhh.. I'm here. He can't hurt you anymore."
I pull away and swallow back some more sobs and quickly wipe my tears.
Y/n-"I'm really sorry...I-I haven't done that in a long time."
I let out a shaky breath.
Mountain-"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, and it's okay to have a panic attack there's nothing wrong with it."
Y/n-"I know, I just want to leave it all behind me...anyway! I'm still mad at you."
Mountain chuckles. I give him look to show him I'm serious. He sighs.
Mountain-"Fine! I might have over reacted a little bit. He was being a bitch though and I'm still mad at him."
I just sigh and shake my head because he's right, what Swiss said was pretty fucked up.
Y/n-"I'm sorry I yelled at you, called you stupid, and tricked you into thinking that you hurt me."
Mountain-"It's okay. That was really smart though!"
We both laugh and hug again. Just then Aether peeks his head into the room.
Aether-"Oh good we're hugging and not killing each other!"
Me and Mountain laugh. Aeth smiles as he walks the rest of the way in.
Aether-"You really scared Rain..."
Mountain-"Shit...I'll go talk to him in a minute."
Aeth just smiles and nods.
Y/n-"Alright, I'm gonna go to my room I told Dew to wait for me there."
Mountain-"Okay, are you okay now?"
He asks with a worried look on his face. Aether makes a confused expression.
Y/n-"I'm fine. I told you already."
I give Mountain a look that says "Don't tell him anything" he just sighs and nods. He's always said that I should talk about my feelings more. I give them both quick fake smiles and walk out of the practice room. I haven't told anyone the things that I've been through, it's not their problem and I don't want them worrying about me or giving me pity. I don't want the whole "You're so brave!" Or "I'm so sorry that happened". It happened a long time ago before my mom divorced my biological dad and met Mountains dad. She didn't know about it until I finally told her when I turned 13. It happened for about a year from 5-6 years old. People always think of demons as bad and not all of them are but he was. I haven't seen him since me and my mom left years ago. I use to have panic attacks a lot but I'm better now. I didn't even notice the tears rolling down my cheeks.
Word count-1014

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