Part 64

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Papa-"Alright you guys go get lunch and get lots of rest tonight we have a busy day tomorrow."
He stands up and leaves the practice room.
Y/n-"Alright you heard the man let's eat!"
We all laugh at start to head to the cafeteria. As we're walking a sister of sun runs past us holding some books. As she runs past she drops a book right in front of me causing me to trip. I try to catch myself before I hit the ground, but when my hand hit the ground I felt a sharp pain shoot up my wrist. My elbow buckles and I fall to the ground holding my injured wrist.
My breathing gets heavier and I start to feel tears bubbling up in my eyes. Everyone runs over to me.
Mountain-"Oh shit! You okay?"
Dew-"You alright babe?!"
Y/n-"No!! I'm not okay!?!...fuck.... I think I broke my wrist."
Aether-"We need to take her to the infirmary."
Mountain-"No we need to take her to the hospital. Go get Papa. Tell him to meet us at the van with the keys."
He bends down are carefully puts one hand under my knees and one under my shoulders then gently lifts me up as Swiss, Aether, and Dew run to get Papa. Mountain carries me towards the door.
Y/n-"Oh my Satan! It's hurts....fuck it hurts."
Mountain-"I know, I know....calm down you baby."
Y/n-"If I could punch you I so would right now."
Mountain-"Yeah whatever I'm taking care of you right now be grateful."
Y/n-"You know you're worried about me."
I give him a knowing smile. He rolls his eyes.
Mountain-"I have to worry about you, you're my little sister.... And if anything happens to you mom would kill me."
I chuckle a little which slightly shakes my wrist. Which shoots another wave of pain into my wrist.
Now the tears are flowing down my cheeks. We get to the front door.
Y/n-"Wait I-I need me phone a-and my wallet."
Mountain-"Don't worry about it I'll tell Dew to grab them."
Just then Papa, Dew, Aether, and Swiss come running down the hall. Papa immediately goes up to me and Mountain.
Papa-"What happened?"
Y/n-"I-I fell on my w-wrist and I think I broke it."
Papa-"Let me see.."
He gently grabs my wrist. I wince in pain.
Papa-"Yep we need to take you to the hospital."
We all (except Dew who went to get my stuff) walk out to the van and Mountain gently sits me down it the passenger seat.
Y/n-"Hey why did you carry me I can walk?"
Mountain-"I don't know it's the first thing that popped in my head."
I lightly chuckle trying my best not to move my wrist. Mountain shuts the door and gets in the middle row. Then Dew runs out with my stuff in his hands and gets in the van. We're seated in the car like this:
Middle row- Aether, Mountain, Dew
Back row-Rain, Swiss
Papa starts the car. I realize that I can't buckle the seatbelt.
Y/n-"Uhhhh I can't buckle the seatbelt..."
Papa-"I got you."
He leans over and gently pulls the seatbelt around me and clicks it in place.
Papa-"Alight let's head to the hospital."
Word count- 586

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