Part 19

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I jog down to my room and grab mine and Dews presents to Rain. Then I run back to the cafeteria. I sit his wrapped gifts on the table along with all the others. Papa walks in with his gift and also sits it on the table
Y/n-"Should I go get him?"
Papa-"Yeah go ahead."
I basically sprint to his room. I'm so excited to surprise him! I knock on the door, no answer, so I gently push his door open to see Rain curled up asleep. Damn he's still not awake? I walk over to him and rub his back a little
Y/n-"Rain, Rainnnnn, wake up."
He rolls over and angrily squints at me.
Rain-"I don't wanna."
I laugh and grab his arm pulling him out of bed, he groans as he stands up.
Rain-"Okay, I'm up. Now what is it?"
Y/n-"Follow me!"
I grab his hand and drag him down the hall. We get to the cafeteria and I make him walk in first. When he walks in everyone jumps up and screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Rain jumps back scared then realizes what just happened and immediately smiles ear to ear.
Rain-"Aw! Thank you guys!"
He goes around and hugs everyone. Then we have cake and food. I walk up to Rain after we eat
Y/n-"Alright sit down it's present time!"
He eagerly sits down bouncing his leg up and down. We all giggle at his excitement. Papa hands him his present, a medium sized box wrapped in purple and blue paper. Rain quickly rips the paper off and opens the box. Inside the box was a poster, T-shirt, and two tickets all from Rains favorite band. His eyes light up and he gets the biggest smile on his face. He jumps up and gives Papa a hug
Rain-"Thank you! Thank you!"
Papa hugs him back and laughs
Papa-"I figured we could go together to the show, could take someone you're interested in"
Papa winks at him, and Rain blushes really hard making us all laugh.
Aether-"Alright my turn!"
He grabs his present and hands it to Rain, who sits down and starts to unwrap it.
Rain-"HOLY SHIT! A new guitar case? A very expensive new guitar case."
Rain starts to look worried
Aether-"Don't worry about how much."
He walks over and gives him a side hug and a smile. Rain smiles back at him
Rain-"Thank you Aeth."
Aether-"No problem kid."
Aether let's Rain go and messes up his hair. Rain rolls his eyes
Rain-"I'm only a year younger than you."
Aether laughs
Swiss-"Okay, Okay! My present is next!"
Swiss grabs his present, a little box wrapped in blue paper, he hands it to Rain. He rips the paper revealing a small black box, he opens the box. It's a personalized guitar pick, blue and white marble color with his name in cursive letters.
Rain-"Swiss! This is amazing! Thank you!"
They hug
Swiss-"You're welcome Rain.....oh anddd.."
Swiss handed Rain a $50 bill
Rain-"Oh Swiss you don't have too."
Swiss-"It's okay... I want you to have it, spend it on something nice."
They exchange smiles and another hug.
Mountain-"I guess I'll go next!"
Mountain hands Rain a medium sized box in teal wrapping paper. Rain opens it to reveal a record player.
Rain-"Oh my Satan! Thank you Mountain!"
Mountain-"Don't worry about it buddy."
Rains give Mountain a hug
Rain-"I love it Mountain."
He smile's really big Mountain returns the favor.
Dew-"Me next!"
Dew grabs a blue gift bag that says Happy Birthday on the front. He hands it to Rain, who reaches in and pulls out two vinyl records from his favorite band.
Rain-"Oh wow! Did you know about the record player?!"
Dew-"Yeah Mountain told me, so I figured I'd get you started on your vinyl collection."
Rain-"Well thank you Dew."
He says as he gets up and hugs Dew.
Dew-"You're welcome!"
Y/n-"We'll it looks like I'm the only one left!"
I grab the tiny box wrapped in light blue paper. I hand it to Rain. I watch him rip away the paper to reveal a white leather jewelry case.
Rain-"Oooo! Looks fancy!"
Y/n-"Just open it!"
He pops open the case and pulls out a silver charm bracelet with a guitar charm and a raindrop charm.
Rain-"Aww this is so sweet y/n! I love it, thank you."
I lean down and pull him into a hug.
Y/n-"You're welcome."
He gently snaps the bracelet on his wrist. We all hang out for about an hour then head back to our rooms because it was getting late. Me and Dew walk into my room. I shut the door then put my hand on his shoulder.
Y/n-"You ready?~"
Word count-835
AU-Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long for this chapter I've had major writing block :/. Anyway I have decided that I am gonna do a Christmas chapter hopefully it will be out tomorrow or the next day. I also got a request to do smut with Dew on top instead of the reader, I don't think it would make sense with the story BUT I do want to write more story's in the future so if you guys want something like that let me know! Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed! <3

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