Part 14

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I ran back to Mountain
Y/n-"The worker saw him leave the store."
Mountain-"Oh no."
We both ran out the store.
Y/n-"I got upstairs you get downstairs!"
I yell while running towards the next store. I look everywhere. I go through every store and ask all the workers if they've seen him, but no one has. So I call Mountain. He answers after one ring and immediately asks
Mountain-"Did you find him?"
Y/n-"No, I asked every worker up here no one has seen him."
Right after I say that I feel someone touch my shoulder. I quickly turn to see a security guard.
Guard-"Are you Y/n?"
Y/n-"Um yeah."
Guard-"Uh we've got your friend Swiss."
Y/n-"Really?! Where is he?"
Guard-"In our office we're holding him there until the police get here."
Y/n-"The police?....oh my satan, what did he do?"
Guard-"Why don't you just come with me I'll explain when we get there."
As I follow the guard I put my phone back up to my ear.
Y/n-"Meet us at the security office."
Mountain-"Oh shit... okay"
Then he hangs up. We continue to walk to the office. When we get there I look into the little window on the door to see Swiss sitting in a spinning chair twisting side to side.
Mountain-"What did he do?"
I turn and look at Mountain shrugging my shoulders.
Guard-"Well, he got in a fight with another person."
Me and Mountain look at each other worried. Then I turn back to him.
Y/n-"Is he okay?"
Guard-"Yes your friend is fine."
Y/n-"What?... no the other guy."
Guard-"Oh uhh he's pretty beat up."
Y/n-"He's alive though right?"
Guard-"uhhh yeah?"
Y/n-"Oh thank satan, can we talk to Swiss?"
He opens the door and Swiss looks up but when he sees me and Mountain he puts his head back down. As soon as the guard shuts the door I say
Y/n-"Swiss I swear to fucking Satan I'm gonna kick your ass."
I walk over to him and smack him in the back of the head.
Swiss-"Ow what the fuck?"
He looks up at me I am furious. I'm so mad fire starts to flicker in my eyes. Mountain comes up behind and grabs my shoulder but quickly pulls away.
Mountain-"Ow shit. Okay we all need to calm down. Swiss what happened?"
Swiss-"I was just walking around and this dude comes up to me and pushes me. So I asked "What the fuck man?" And he said "where's that girl you were with when you came in?" I said "What girl?" He said "the one with the h/c hair." I was like "Y/n?" Then he said "I don't know her name, but she's got a fat ass." That made me mad so I was already about to kill him, but I held my cool and said "Look asswhole leave me and her alone." Then he said...Umm I don't want to say what he said but it was disgusting. So I beat the fuck out of him."
Mountain-"What did he say Swiss."
Mountain asked in a very stern voice. I look over at him, his eyes are black. His fists are clutched so hard his knuckles are white.
Swiss-"I'm not repeating it."
Mountain-"Swiss. Was it about y/n?"
Mountain turned to go out the door. I grab him and pull him back.
Y/n-"Mountain! Relax, Swiss already almost killed him."
Mountain-"I don't care! He said something so bad about you that Swiss won't even repeat it!"
Y/n-"I know! But listen Papa already is gonna have to bail Swiss out of jail. Do you really want to add on to it?"
He shook his head.
Y/n-"Didn't think so. We just need to chill and call Papa so he can get us out of this mess."
He sits down in the other chair. I call Papa,
Papa-"Hey y/n! Having fun!"
Y/n-"Umm Papa something happened..."
Papa-"What? What happened?"
Y/n-"Swiss is getting.......arrested??"
I explain everything to Papa
Papa-"Oh my Satan.... I'll meet you guys at the jail."
Y/n-"Okay bye Papa."
Then I hung up.
Swiss-"Was he mad."
Y/n-"Nah he was delighted...Of course he was mad!"
Swiss-"You didn't have to yell at me! I did this to protect you!"
Y/n-"I. Don't. Need. You. To. Protect. Me."
Swiss-"What if I want to! You know you mean a lot to all of us that's why we want to protect you not because you "need" us. I'd do the same thing if that guy said that about Mountain, or Rain, or any of my friends."
Y/n-"Look I'm sorry I-I'm just....scared."
Y/n-"You're about to go to jail Swiss!"
Swiss-"Papa is gonna get me out."
Y/n-"I know, but we don't know how long it's gonna take."
Swiss-"Don't worry about me I will be fine, okay?"
He stands up and I hug him. Just then the office door opens. We all turn to face it and Mountain stands up. It's two police officers
Officer-"Swiss, you are under arrest for assault,you have the right to remain silent anything you say, can, and will be used against you in a court of law."
He says as he pushes Swiss against the wall and puts him in hand cuffs. I just stare at them as they walk him out the room. Mountain comes up beside me and gives me a side hug. He gently whispers
Mountain-"Come on."
We walk to the van and get in. We drive to the police station in silence. When we get there Papa's standing at the desk.
Papa-"Yes, I'm here for Swiss?"
Officer-"Yeah they just brought him in so you'll have to wait until they're done booking him."
Officer-"I do have to ask who are you related to the suspect?"
Papa-"Um I'm his father."
Officer-"Alright. You can have a seat over there."
Just then Papa turns around and sees us. He walks over to us.
Y/n-"You're not his father?"
Papa-"Shhh! They won't release him to me unless I'm his parent or guardian. So I'm his father today."
Me and Mountain smile until Papa looks at Mountain, then his smile drops.
Papa-"You were the one that was supposed to look over them."
Mountain-"I know I'm s-sorry.."
Papa-"It's okay, you didn't do anything, but you are not allowed to be the one in charge for a while."
Mountain-"I understand."
Papa turns around and walks back up to the counter.
Officer-"Since this is his first time being arrested and he's still young we will release him to you but if he gets in any more trouble he'll have to stay."
Papa-"Yes officer I understand. He will not get into any more trouble."
Papa paid the fine and we waited in the waiting room for them to bring him out. There's a buzzer noise then the door opens and out walks Swiss.we all stand up. Papa walks straight to him and looks him in the eyes.
Papa-"When we get back you will go to my office immediately. Do you understand?"
Swiss-"Yes sir.."
We all walk out me and Mountain take the van and Papa and Swiss go in Papa's car.
Swiss's POV
Papa-"What did he say?"
I look at him confused. Then I realize what he's asking.
Swiss-"I-I don't want to repeat it."
Papa-"Y/n's not here you can say it.."
I sigh
Swiss-"He said...
Word count-1329
AU-Sorry for another cliff hanger! It was to good to resist ;)

Mountains sister (Dewdrop x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant