Part 25

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AU-Hey! Short chapter today it's mostly information to set up for next chapter so I'm sorry about that :( I hope you enjoy anyway!
My eyes fluttering open. I look over at the alarm clock to see that it's 5 in the morning. That's weird, I never get up this early. I just shrug it off and decide that I'll use this time for myself. I gently wiggle my way out from under Dew's arm replacing where my body was with a pillow. He squirms for a second but then snuggles his face into the pillow. I sigh with relief. I slip on some shoes, fix my hair, grab my phone, and walk out the door. As soon as I gently shut my door and turn around I bump into a sister of sin knocking her over and making her throw the whole stack of papers she had in her hands on the floor.
Sister of sin-"Oh my Saten! I'm so sorry Ms. Y/n! I should've been more careful"
She frantically says as she drops to the floor, scrambling to pick up all the papers. I gently bend down and start helping her.
Y/n-"Don't worry about it! I should've looked where I was going."
I say offering her a warm smile.
Y/n-"Do you need help carrying these?"
I say holding up a stack of papers I picked up.
Sister of sin-"Oh no I couldn't ask you to do that!"
I smile at her again taking half of the papers out of her hands.
Y/n-"It's not a problem,where are we going?"
Sister of sin-"Oh well thank you very much Ms. Y/n. These all have to go to Papa Emeritus III."
Y/n-"Oh! Terzo!"
Sister of sin-"Yes Ms. Y/n I believe that's what you call him."
Y/n-"I love Terzo he's easily one of my favorite Papas, also just call me Y/n, Ms. Y/n feels awkward."
Sister of sin-"Oh yes of course! Im sorry M- um I mean Y/n"
Just then we made it to the door that reads Papa Emeritus III. The sister knocks on the door, I hear a thick accent call from in the room
Terzo-"Come in!"
The sister gently pushes the door open with one hand. Terzo looks up and we lock eyes he quickly jumps out of his chair and holds his arms open
Terzo-"Y/n! My favorite ghoul!!"
I quickly sat down the papers on his desk a run into his arms.
Y/n-"I knew I was your favorite."
We pull away and smile at each other
Terzo-"Don't tell the others."
We laugh Terzo looks up at the sister.
Terzo-"Good morning sister! You can leave those on the desk."
He tells her with a warm smile. She quickly nods, sits down the paper and leaves. He turns back to me and leans against his desk.
Terzo-"So how are you Y/n? Are you excited for tonight?"
Y/n-"I'm good! And- wait what's tonight?"
Terzo-"Tonight's parents night! You forgot?"
That's why I woke up so early! Every year the day after Christmas all the papas come together and summon all of the ghoul's parents for the night, they do it the day after Christmas because they want us to be able to celebrate with our families but they can't do it the day of because technically it's Jesus's birthday so summoning won't work. On the day of summoning when the sun comes back up they get sent back to Hell. They can only do this once every year because ghouls (who aren't formally summon by Saten like us ghouls) can only be in the human realm for one night per year so that there's no way for them to destroy the earth or something like that. The band was formally summoned here to spread the word of Saten through music. I wake up early every year for parents day to help set up the summoning circle.
Y/n-"I guess I did..? I'm so excited!"
Terzo laughs at my excitement but soon his smile falls
Terzo-"I feel so bad for Rain.."
Y/n-"Oh no.... Again?"
Terzo sadly nods
Rain's parents haven't came to parents day for five years in a row. They alway use up their one night to earth before parents night comes. No one knows what they use it for because we don't have contact with them until parents night.
Y/n-"He's gonna be so upset...has anyone told him?"
Terzo-"Copia is supposed to tell him today."
Y/n-"Okay...hey, how do you know they can't come I thought we can't have contact with them until tonight."
Terzo-"All the Papa's get together really early in the morning today before the sun comes up and hold a séance to speak to Saten to like get permission for them to come tonight."
Y/n-"Ohhh okay makes since. He can't just let them have one extra night?"
Terzo-"No, Saten has strict rules, and I don't know about you but I'm not gonna argue with him."
I nod my head.
Terzo-"Anyway! I heard about you and Dew~~"
I smile my face heating up
Y/n-"Yeaaahhh... He's asleep in my bed right now."
Terzo-"I figured. You know my rooms on top of yours right? I hear it every time."
I look at him shocked, He just laughs.
Terzo-"I also heard about Swiss."
He looks at me with a serious face.
Y/n-"Ohhhh yeahhh.... Uh we worked it out."
Terzo-"I hope so I have enough to deal with."
He said gesturing over to the pile of papers on his desk. I laugh
Y/n-"Yeah I'll leave you to that. I need to go help with the summoning circle!"
We hug again then I rush out the room to the summoning room.
Word count- 972

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