Part 61

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I jump awake due to screaming that's coming from the hallway. I quickly glance over at the sleeping Dew. Damn he can really sleep through anything. Another scream pulls me out of my thoughts and I quickly get out of bed and run to my door swinging it open to see Aether standing there with Rain thrown over his shoulder.
Rain-"Put me down!!"
Aether-"Nope you wouldn't get up so I made you get up."
I let out a sigh of relief then a soft laugh.
Rain-"Y/n don't just stand there! Help me!!"
Y/n-"You did this to yourself."
He gives me a shocked look and I just laugh and shake my head. I turn around and go back into my room. I walk over to the bed and start to gently rub my hand up and down Dews back.
Y/n-"It's time to get up baby."
I roll my eyes and walk over to the closet to pick out my clothes for the day.
Y/n-"If you don't wake up you're gonna miss seeing me changeeee~"
He reluctantly sits up with a pout on his face.
Dew-"You can't bribe me like that."
Y/n-"It worked didn't it?"
He looks over at me, his face bright red.
Dew-"S-Shut up..."
I giggle and strip off my pajamas, Dew watching the whole time.
Aether's POV
I plop Rain down in the seat and he gives me an angry look.
Rain-"That wasn't fair."
Aether-"You need time to eat and we have practice today."
He puts his head down on the table and mumbles
Rain-"I'm going back to sleep."
I just roll my eyes and chuckle. I walk over to get me and Rains food and Mountains already there.
Aether-"Hey man."
Mountain-"Oh! Hey"
He looks a little nervous.
Aether-"What's wrong?"
Mountain-"Wrong? N-Nothings wrong!"
He nervously laughs. He's so bad at hiding emotion.
Aether-"You know you can always talk to me right?"
Mountain-"Yeah! Of course I-I do.."
He flashes me a quick smile and walks over to the table. Hmm? That's weird.
Word count- 365

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